Keanu Reeves' Warmth and Charm Is So Palpable, You Can Actually Feel It Over Zoom

July 27, 2020

To the surprise of no one, you can actually feel Keanu Reeves' awesomeness through Zoom. (Lainey Gossip)

Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas' baby is here already?! Jesus, that was fast. (Dlisted)

Eminem is apparently worried about Mariah Carey will say about him in her new memoir. As long as his d*ck doesn't look like a mushroom, I wouldn't sweat it. (Celebitchy)

The Nazi couple who wore Nazi masks into Walmart are trying to make it clear that they're not actually Nazi because the real one is Joe Biden. Yup. (The Root)

From Roxana: "A cool mini thread about the Black American fashion designer Ann Lowe."

And we're back to pretending Tenet is somehow going to open in an American movie theater before the year 2021. It will, however, open in countries who didn't botch their pandemic response in every conceivable way. (THR)

Netflix's The Witcher is getting a live-action prequel series? You have my attention. (io9)

There seems to be some misleading headlines going around suggesting that the smug, MAGA hat Covington Kid walked away with a huge settlement from WaPo. Here's an informative read on how he almost definitely scored jack-o-shit. (Respectable Lawyer)

Elon Must wants to cage fight Johnny Depp in a match that will have no winners. Seriously, what's Musk going to do, knock out more of Depp's teeth? I don't think he cares, man. (NY Daily News)

In the early days of the pandemic, there was a huge emphasis on surface transmissions of COVID-19. As we learn more about the virus, there's very little science to support that concern, so you can stop cleaning your mail now. (The Atlantic)

Inside Will and Jada Pinkett Smith's Scientology school. Did you not know they built one of those? They built one of those. (The Daily Beast)

LanierHgts is using her children for their intended purpose: doing the chores parents don't want to do. Her 11-year-old wrote the review for Grounded: The Adventures of Rapunzel by Megan Morrison. "I enjoyed journeying with Jack and Rapunzel through the land of Tyme, and think kids who like fairy tales and adventure books will too. My mom also liked this book so I think that grown ups would like it as well." What books would you recommend for adults and kids alike? (Cannonball Read 12)

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