The First Ever Non-Oprah Cover For O Magazine Is Breonna Taylor

July 30, 2020

This is just amazing: "Breonna Taylor had dreams," Oprah Winfrey said. "They all died with her the night five bullets shattered her body and her future." (Buzzfeed)

Anyone else following this story about Patrick Rothfuss? His editor (whom he has praised to the heavens and back in the past) posted some choice comments on Facebook a few days ago. Among them was one in which she speculated that Pat hasn't written a word of Book 3 in six years!! (The Guardian)

Imagine studying the source of stones used to build Stonehenge, and after centuries these historians are like "We found the source! These stones came from...15 miles down the road!" (Ars Technica)

This new project with Jordan Peele and Issa Rae sounds so good. Where do I see it? Who do I pay? GIVE IT TO ME. (Lainey Gossip)

How Sarah Cooper Trumped Donald Trump--Without Saying a Word. (VF)

Y'all. How do we feel about Prince William giving Harry relationship advice about Meghan when he once gifted Kate ... *checks notes* ...a pair of binoculars? What a romantic! (T&C)

And speaking of, so it sounds like not only are Wills and Harry fighting (whilst their wives get the blame) but also that Harry was squabbling with his grandmum's dresser. Seriously, is everyone in that palace spoilt and petty? (Celebitchy)

I am loathe to link to anything that Kardashian-related, but the tour of Kendall Jenner's house? It's nice? A lot more down to earth that I would have assumed. The green tile in the bathroom is gorgeous. (AD)

Pixar Shares Details About Next Original Film Luca. (Variety)

Ghislaine Maxwell got her very own jail floor. (Dlisted)

When It Comes to a Recipe, What's in a Name? What do we lose when paratha is called "flaky bread," or bibimbap a "rice bowl"? Recipe developers explain why names matter. (Vice)

The Disinfomercial: How Larry King Got Duped Into Starring in Chinese Propaganda. (ProPublica)

Why Do Hand Sanitizers Suddenly Smell So Awful? (Wirecutter)

The Seismic Hush of the Coronavirus. Scientists are listening for faint natural signals during the quiet of coronavirus lockdowns. (EOS)

Why It Matters That Seth Rogen Spoke Out Against Israel. (Jacobin)

Happy Paperback Book Day! Merryn pulled her paperback copy of Greg Egan's Quarantine off her shelf to fulfill the CBR12 Bingo category, "Shelfie." It starts out as a sci-fi detective novel. "It takes a side-step in the middle to become something stranger that I won't spoil for you." Do you have a favorite paperback book on your shelf? (Cannonball Read 12)

One more time, because I said so:

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For the first time in 20 years, @oprah has given up her O Magazine cover to honor Breonna Taylor. She says, "Breonna Taylor. She was just like you. And like everyone who dies unexpectedly, she had plans. Plans for a future filled with responsibility and work and friends and laughter. Imagine if three unidentified men burst into your home while you were sleeping. And your partner fired a gun to protect you. And then mayhem. What I know for sure: We can't be silent. We have to use whatever megaphone we have to cry for justice. And that is why Breonna Taylor is on the cover of O magazine. I cry for justice in her name." Tap the link in our bio to read more about Oprah's tribute to Breonna--and her recent conversation with her mother, Tamika Palmer. Breonna: This one's for you 🙏🏽 The September issue will be available wherever you buy or download your magazines on 8/11. (🎨: @alexis_art)

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