David Eason: Nathan Griffith Is a Deadbeat Dad!

July 20, 2020

David Eason is generally considered to be the worst dad in Teen Mom history, which would probably make him the worst dad in reality TV history.

But if you ask David -- and believe it or not, some people still care about his opinion -- there's another sperm donor who's even more negligent than he is.

David Eason Nathan Griffith

In recent weeks, David has been trying to convince the world that Jenelle Evans' most recent ex, Nathan Griffith, is deserving of the title of World's Worst Dad.

It hasn't been easy, especially since his best argument is that Nate is negligent toward son Kaiser.

That's obviously not a good thing, but David has been accused of both negligence and trauma-inducing abuse.

So until Nate swings by the house and kills Jenelle's dog in front of the kids, David will still be king of the bad dads.

Anyway, he made his case again on Instagram when a fan asked about Nathan's level of involvement.

“Is Nate still involved with Kaiser?” the commenter wrote, according to In Touch.

“He has never been involved much at all,” David replied.

"I know but I know he was getting him for a while," the fan added, referring to Nathan's custody arrangement.

“He has supervised visits with his mom like always, but he lives out of town, so …” Eason replied.

So ... what? 

Is he saying Nathan never takes advantage of his visitation rights?

Seems like the sort of accusation he should just come right out with, but that would involve going into specifics, which would remind everyone that despite his many faults, Nathan is still a vastly superior father than David.

Let's not forget all of this started when Nathan accused David of abusing Kaiser in a deeply troubling Twitter rant.

“Since NOOOOO one is hearing, I will say this. [The Columbus County Emergency Services] will not help, social services tried their hardest but NOOOO one listened," he wrote.

"[It] makes me [realize] there is something wrong with the justice system,” he continued in since-deleted tweets.

From there, Nathan went into horrifying detail about the signs that his son was being abused.

“How do you [explain] marks on my son’s back, [his] black eye, whip marks on his rear end, continuous police investigation," he wrote.

"Charges against David Eason for multiple violence and aggressive behavior … NOTHING HAPPENS. What am I supposed to do besides being a panic parent!”

Sadly, it doesn't seem there's much else that Nathan can do at the moment.

As usual, Jenelle responded with allegations that he's a bad father, as well, and seemed more interested in disparaging Nathan's reputation than in proving that Kaiser is safe in his home.

No one knows for sure what's happening on The Land other than the people who live there, but an allegation of child abuse with specific information about injuries is always a deeply upsetting thing.

David chooses to respond by claiming that Nathan doesn't see his son very often.

But if someone who rarely sees the boy is still able to pick up on signs of abuse, the situation might be even more dire than we realize.

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