Madonna cancels Miami concert due to suffering ‘indescribable’ pain

December 26, 2019

Madonna says she was forced to cancel a Miami gig at the last minute because she was in “indescribable” pain — insisting doctors warned her that she could cause “irreversible damage” if she performed.

“I want to say how deeply sorry I am to all my fans,” the Material Girl wrote Christmas Day on Instagram of her Sunday gig that was scrapped just two hours before showtime.

Madonna — who was involved with a legal dispute with ex-husband Guy Ritchie that hit courts the day after the canceled concert — spoke out to insist she had to act because of “indescribable” pain from “injuries,” without providing more details.

“I consider myself a warrior,” she wrote alongside a video clip of her struggling to climb a ladder, saying it left her “in tears of pain” at the Miami show that went ahead the night before the canceled one.

“I never quit, I never give in, I never give up!! However this time I have to listen to my body and accept that my pain is a warning,” she wrote.

“I spent the last two days with doctors,” she said, saying she had “scans, ultra sounds, Xrays.”

“Poking and probing and more tears,” she said.

“They have made it very clear to me that if I am to continue my tour— I must rest for as long as possible so that I don’t inflict further and irreversible damage to my body.

“I have never let an injury stop me from performing but this time i have to accept that there is no shame in being human and having to press the pause button.”

Thanking fans for “their understanding, love and support,” she said, “Things have got to change. And they will because MADAME ❌ is a fighter!!”

Her medical drama came amid further woes as ex-husband Ritchie filed legal papers in Manhatten Supreme Court on Monday seeking “the enforcement or execution of a judgment or order” in the pair’s divorce.

It wasn’t clear what the dispute is over, but four years ago they also battled over where their kids would spend Christmas.

Ritchie posted a full-family photo on Christmas Day that showed their two children — Rocco, 19, and David Banda, 14 — with him, although it was not clear when it was taken.

“From our family to yours — Happy Christmas!” the director wrote next to the snap which also showed his current wife Jacqui Ainsley and their children together, Rafael, Levi and Rivka .

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