When Briana DeJesus first started dating John Rodriguez, fans were convinced she'd found "the one."
Unlike her relationship with Javi Marroquin, Briana actually seemed fully invested in this romance.
And because this is Teen Mom 2 we're talking about, the two of them started talking about marriage and family from day one, because that's what happens on this show.
Alas, it wasn't meant to be, and DeJesus and Rodriguez broke up earlier this year.
Due to the lag in TM2 production time, we're only just now seeing how their relationship ended on the show.
And it seems that there was a period of time in which Briana had fully lost interest in John but simply couldn't bring herself to cut him loose.
Take a look:
1. The End of an Era

Briana DeJesus and John Rodriguez have called it quits. And thanks to recent episodes of Teen Mom 2, we're learning all about the messy end of their relationship.
2. A Long-Distance Affair

Briana and Johnny faced major hurdles from the start, of course. He lives in New York City; she's in Atlanta, and her travel options are limited by being a single mom.
3. Making It Work

But there was a time when Briana and Johnny were hell-bent on making it work. Unfortunately, they both seemed to lose interest at the same time, but neither of them wanted to be the one to pull the plug.
4. The Ultimate Sacrifice

At one point, Johnny was even willing to leave his beloved New York City behind and relocate to Orlando. But on last night's Teen Mom 2, Briana sent a pretty strong passive-aggressive message that he should not do that.
5. Change of Heart

There was a time when Briana was desperately trying to convince John to move to Florida. Then, out of the blue, she just seemed to -- lose interest.
6. Real Estate Ghosting

She traveled to New York and met his family, and then -- rather unexpectedly -- she up and bought a house. This house had room for her mother and sister, but none for John.