Earlier this month, we learned that Josh Duggar is currently in solitary confinement in prison.
Despite the twisted nature of his crimes, it is not for his protection. It is a punishment.
Josh allegedly smuggled contraband into the prison. Specifically, a phone. One with which he could contact the outside world.
This is not Josh’s preferred type of infraction — a minor one — but a major violation. And the notorious creep could potentially spend months in solitary.

As we reported last week, Josh Duggar is reportedly spending his time in SHU — the Texas prison’s “Special Housing Unit.”
This is simply a formal, less menacing name for a controversial carceral practice: solitary confinement.
Prison authorities caught Josh in possession of a secret, contraband cell phone. That is a major no-no.

Right now, we don’t really know how long Josh is going to remain in this isolated confinement, cut off from all social contact.
In addition to the social deprivation, most SHU situations involve very confined space. And there is an accompanying lack of free movement and basic privileges.
When news of Josh’s prison violation first broke, many wondered how many days he might spend in solitary. It turns out that “days” is an understatement.

Reports from insiders — those with inside knowledge of the federal prison in Texas and its workings — suggest that it may be weeks. Or even longer.
One person whose relative is an inmate there sounded confident that Josh is still in solitary, a week later.
“Most of the people in there,” the source shared, “have been in there for months.”

So … what determines how long it will be before Josh is once again among the general population?
Apparently, he may remain under confinement in this way until his disciplinary hearing.
Things could be considerably bad for Josh. While it’s impossible to feel sorry for him, specifically, it appears that his circumstances may be so bad that we wouldn’t wish them on anyone.

While under SHU confinement, visitors either fall under the “restricted” category or the altogether “disallowed” column.
According to the Bureau of Federal prisons, inmates under these circumstances receive only “one telephone call per month.”
And the source made it clear that things are even worse for that at Seagoville.

Allegedly, things there are “so bad” that the regional office had to look into “what was going on” at FCI Seagoville.
“They’ve been keeping prisoners in the SHU indefinitely,” the source reported.
“Not letting them have DHO hearings,” the insider continued, “which let them know when they’re getting out.”

According to what an inside source has told The Sun, Josh Duggar could remain in SHU for months.
On the one hand, solitary confinement destroys mental health and prevents anyone who might reform from reforming. We as a society should abhor and outlaw torture of any kind. Prisoners, we must remember, are humans too. Even if all of them were guilty, they would still be people.
At the same time … Josh is not a good posterboy for people facing injustice. His horrifying crimes display no ounce of sympathy for little girls whose lives were destroyed for his enjoyment. There are countless examples of more sympathetic, innocent victims of carceral cruelty.
Josh Duggar Solitary Confinement Could Last for MONTHS was originally published on The Hollywood Gossip.