
Netflix Appears to Scrap Gorillaz Movie as it Guts its Animated Originals

February 22, 2023

Screenshot from the music video for "Silent Running" by Gorillaz, off Cracker Island

If at any point in the last twenty years, you asked me what movie I desired the most in the world, I wouldn’t hesitate for a second: a Gorillaz movie. And that’s not as wild an idea as you might think. The idea of Gorillaz film has been tossed around Hollywood since the aftermath of their 2001 self-titled debut album. But in recent years, it looked like the project was finally, actually happening. But the problem is, the project was happening under the umbrella of Netflix. And according to a new interview with Damon Albarn, the real-life music frontman of the band, Netflix has gone and done a very Netflix thing: canceled the project.

This comes barely a month after one of Netflix’s most acclaimed animated original series, Inside Job, was canceled after only two seasons. Netflix canceling a critically-beloved show after two seasons is a tried and true tradition (I’ll never forgive you for Lady Dynamite, Netflix). But the Gorillaz and Inside Job cancelations come at a time when animated projects are getting canceled across the entire US film industry. Netflix canceled two other highly anticipated animated adaptations last year: Bone and Wings of Fire.

The post Netflix Appears to Scrap Gorillaz Movie as it Guts its Animated Originals appeared first on The Mary Sue.

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