Wow! This week’s episode of Below Deck was full of surprises! For one thing, the mid-season trailer had me completely fooled. I thought our new Deck/Stew was going to be a woman who Ben Willoughby had previously dated/shared nudes with/probably been way too interested in for no reason. Not only is our new Deck/Stew Tyler Walker a whole man, but he also pointed out that Ross McHarg is a whopping 38 years old! Someone tell me I’m not the last to know. I know this guy was ripe for judgment already, but after four decades on earth, he’s really asking for it.
The New Deck/Stew Is Here
Welcome, Tyler! Fraser Olender seems more than thrilled to have someone on board who knows what they’re doing. Meanwhile, Ross is just excited to have a South African on board to talk about his history of surf lessons and arrests. Pick him, pick him!!
Tyler says he likes the “weird parts” of yachting. He’s a guy who boasts a self-diagnosis of OCD, and his swift folding skills are all the confirmation I need. Hayley De Sola Pinto agrees too. She’s utterly thrilled to have someone who works quickly and without an ear-piercing saccharine voice. Or maybe that’s just me. All in all, Tyler is a perfect fit for the St. David interior crew. But that doesn’t mean Captain Sandy Yawn won’t find something to nail them for.
Feedback From The Clients
Sandy just loves to take a client’s side when they are dragging the interior crew. During their departure, these guests let it slip that they were underwhelmed with the level of service the interior was providing while they were a man down. They mentioned a “few little hiccups” along the way, like needing to find someone to make drinks.
Prior to the tip meeting, Tony Duarte kindly reminds Fraser that everything is a group effort, and the comments from the guest are not a reflection on him personally. During the whole-crew recap, Sandy reminds everyone that guest feedback is just that. Feedback. Wise indeed. Sandy felt the guest commentary was constructive and decides to give the crew the next day off to party and entertain we-the-viewers. She also decides to take Chef Rachel Hargrove out for a meal to get more dirt on the interior. All the while Alissa Humber is back on the yacht sobbing after getting one comment/direction from Fraser. Buckle in, people. She’s startin’.
Camille Is Coming To Dinner
Dun dun dunnnnnnn. Camille Lamb shows up on Ben’s arm during the crew night out. Alissa is absolutely dumbfounded and simply cannot keep Camille’s name/presence out of her mouth/mind at her end of the table. She finds it completely mortifying that Camille has joined the crew for her last night in town. Alissa seems to think Camille showing up means she regrets nothing about her time on board. Not that she’s planning to ask or anything. Alissa assumes Camille blames her for being let go and is therefore unwilling to speak to her at all. Camille seems completely unbothered to be fair, and I honestly believe she just wanted another chance to say goodbye to her former crew/a couple of new friends.
Camille and Ben have a heartfelt goodbye and that’s where it ends. I hope to see you at the reunion Camille! I’m dying to hear your reaction after watching yourself back.
RELATED: Captain Sandy Yawn Responds To Below Deck’s Camille Lamb Drama; Says “Holy Cannoli!”
Ross Booked A Romantic Guest Cabin For Katie
He really shouldn’t have. Ross and Katie Glaser certainly sound like they sealed the deal in a guest cabin after the crew night out. She really put him through his paces…and yet. The hook-up comes after Ross adamantly refused to re-arrange rooms in order to share with Katie. Instead, she’s sharing with the new Deck/Stew Tyler.
Ross literally asks Katie to rate her experience with him under the guise that she has to follow his commands “as a department head.” Vomit. He also admits to being a sex addict with a chuckle in his confessional. Truly repulsive behavior. Not to mention he follows the tête a tête up by heading back to his own cabin and flirting with Alissa openly the next day. Alissa is thrilled to engage despite understanding (and saying out loud to Tyler) that Ross and Katie are “a thing.”
Two Pick-Mes In The Mud
The day after the charter the crew heads out for a day of fun and relaxation. Ross and Alissa are all over each other during their volcanic spa experience. It’s almost like Katie isn’t within 10 feet or something. The entire crew is horrified. Ross tries to hump Fraser during a van ride, and later almost falls off a catamaran while stumbling drunk.
Alissa seems impressed by Ross’ truly concerning behavior, and plucks a flower to put in his hair at dinner. She’s holding his hand, cackling at his slurred jokes, and slamming the validity of Katie’s feelings in her confessional. Later in the hot tub, Alissa proudly claims Ross is “grabbing” her all the time and that Katie has no self-respect. First of all, how is that a brag? Secondly, someone needs to roll the footage for me.
Next week’s episode looks ripe with drama once again! Sandy is after the interior and Ross has some explaining to do. See you then!
[Photo Credit: Charles Sykes/Bravo via Getty Images]
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