Teens Are Using Grandma Drag To Drink Underage

July 22, 2020

When I made my first grocery store run in a mask, I had a moment of panic when I hit the register. I was buying alcohol -- would they make me show my face to confirm my ID? I soon learned they would not, and I chuckled to my thirty-something self, thinking how masks would make it easier for teens to score forbidden booze right now. I was right, but I also underestimated the efforts of Generation Z.

New York Post reports teens are drinking underage in the pandemic by throwing required facemasks over grandma drag. Basically, they're putting on old woman costume masks, wigs, and wearing baggy ladies clothes, topping it with a face-mask, and then buying all the wine coolers they want.

So if this ruse is so successful, why do us oldz even know about it? TikTok.

Teens are uploading videos of their victorious booze runs, which end with bottles in hand along with walkers and babushkas. One video NYP linked to had 1.5 million views before it was set to private. In this vid, the teen who had drawn-on wrinkles, was not only able to purchase bottles without showing ID, she was also asked by the store owner if she needed help carrying the bottles to her car. Another video showed a dragged up teen bursting out of a store with Four Lokos, while another had a Golden Girlsed youth twerking with her snatched bottle of wine.

As news of this plot spread, sites around the world offered links to the TikTok vids, which have since gone private or been pulled for violating the video-sharing app's user agreement, which bars the posting of content "that offers the purchase, sale, or trade of unlawfully acquired goods."

While some are scorning the teens, others are offering advice on how not to get caught:

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