Joy-Anna Duggar Reveals Shocking Birth Plan (Yup, She's Gonna Break a Family Rule)

July 22, 2020

Joy-Anna Duggar is not a rebel.

But she is very rational.

Especially when it comes to the well-being of her unborn child.

For this reason -- with Duggar and husband Austin Forsyth expecting their second kid in just a few weeks -- Joy-Anna has revealed that she's planning to break a family rule.

She's NOT going to welcome her baby girl at home.

"I am going to pack my hospital bag today," Joy-Anna says in the following video.

"I've been needing to do this for a little bit. Thirty-five-and-a-half weeks, so I figured it'd be good to have the bag ready a month out just in case anything happens when we're not expecting it, we can just grab the bag and go.

"I don't really know what to pack. I've never packed a hospital bag before. With Gideon I was doing a home birth, so I didn't have to pack anything."

Giving birth at home is a pretty well-known, and pretty darn polarizing, Duggar family rule; it's one Joy-Anna abided by when she pushed out son Gideon.

But that blessed event didn't take place during a pandemic.

"I'm torn because with all this COVID stuff, which I totally understand why, but it's just hard because my mom's not going to be able to be there and my sisters aren't going to be able to be at my birth," Duggar said of the hospital plan.

"It's just going to be Austin and I."

It sucks. It absolutely sucks.

Unfortunately, people in all kinds of medical situations have had to make adjustments as the result of a virus that has killed 140,000 Americans to date.

"Hopefully we can get a room that has a window and maybe they can come see her through the window," Joy-Anna added of her loved ones.

"That would be really special if they could at least see her the day she was born because my parents have always been there for me and Austin's parents, so we'll see how that works out."

As for where her mind and her body is at, five weeks from becoming a mother once again?

“I’m feeling good and tired,” the 22-year old explained in this same video.

“Austin has helped me out a lot this pregnancy because Gideon is kind of getting into everything now.

"It’s hard to keep up with him when I’m big and pregnant, so Austin has been able to help more with Gideon, cleaning around the house and going to get me water ... it's great!”

Just over one year ago, Joy-Anna and Austin said they had suffered a miscarriage.

In late June, they paid tribute to the child they lost, writing of the daughter they named Annabell:

"It hurts to look back at these pictures and remember the pain and heartbreak, but, when I do look back, I am so thankful for how far we’ve come … how God has given us more joy, peace [and] healing than I ever thought we would have again.

"We love you, Annabell Elise!"

In March, the veteran reality star surprised an overjoyed fan base when announced her pregnancy.

"Yes... it’s true! @austin4site and I are PREGNANT again!" she wrote on Instagram at the time, adding:

"Ahhh!!! It’s been quite the crazy journey these last few months, but we are so thankful that mom and baby are healthy!"

At this same time, Joy-Anna added to the surprise by revealing she was expecting a girl.

“My heart is just going to melt as soon as I meet her,” Joy-Anna said this spring. “And I’m just so excited to dress her up in bows and fluffy dresses. It’s going to be fun.”

Does Austin feel the same way?

“All we know is boy, so I don’t know how to prepare for a girl, but we are so excited. We can’t wait to meet her!” the 26-year old says in this new video.

"I think with this next child it is going to be so fun to see Gideon and her interact, and I’m looking forward to seeing how Joy interacts, too. I can’t wait to be a family of four!"

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