Gwyneth Paltrow Really Wants You to Know Which Celebrity Wife Taught Her How to Do a BJ

July 26, 2020

I always love Sarah's insight on geek properties, and her breakdown on how the fan anticipation for The New Mutants has held strong despite many, many setbacks does not disappoint. (Lainey Gossip)

Because your life is incomplete without this knowledge, Rob Lowe's wife taught Gwyneth Paltrow how to do mouth stuff. Yup, that mouth stuff. (Dlisted)

People give Gabrielle Union shit because she doesn't style her toddler's hair enough? The internet was a mistake. (Celebitchy)

In what's shaping up to be an ongoing theme with this pandemic, Doja Cat mocked people for being afraid of the virus, and then she caught it. Quick question though: What the hell is a Doja Cat? (The Root)

While promoting her new Scientology podcast, Leah Remini gave some awesomely on brand quotes about how much she admires Thandie Newtown for speaking out about Tom Cruise, and how she hopes it's the start of a trend. (The Daily Beast)

Mike Deodato Jr. is correct. "It's always good to remind people that Comicsgate is a hate movement." (Washington Post)

Mo Ryan has a great interview with Mike Schur on the current state of TV and how streaming has basically torpedoed the option of letting folks spend years living inside shows like Lost and The Sopranos. (Vanity Fair)

Welp, this Colin Trevorrow interview made me jealous as hell and got some dust in my eye while I was thinking about how much I love bonding with my son over Star Wars... stupid dust... (Collider)

From Kayleigh: "For anyone still trying to wrap their heads around #FreeBritney, Constance Grady at Vox has you covered." (Vox)

Kristy dug into spoilers of The Rental to explore the slasher's true crime origins. (MEL Magazine)

From Steven: Drew Magary lambasting baseball is great. And this phrase is so personally cutting that it should be an alternative Pajiba slogan on a t-shirt: "I'm very good at disapproving of the very thing I'm patronizing."(SFGate)

In this month's Quick Questions with a Cannonballer, Aquillia revisits her book crushes over the years and mourns the one flavor she can't get living in Denmark. "I ordered a 'grape soda' once in Denmark and it was GRAPEFRUIT." What flavors would you miss most if you found yourself living outside of your country? (Cannonball Read 12)

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