Chris Wallace Interviewed Sweaty Donald Trump for Fox News. It Did Not Go Well

July 19, 2020

Correct me if I am wrong, but since the departure of Shepard Smith (who is resurfacing on CNBC), the closest thing that Fox News has to an actual journalist is Chris Wallace. He's the one anchor on Fox News that won't blow smoke up Trump's ass, which made Trump's decision to sit down with Wallace a strange one. How well did Trump think it would go, if forced to sit down and answer questions that were not leading, or already had the answers built into them (a la Hannity)?

However Trump thought it would go, it did not go well. What happened is that Chris Wallace actually ... fact-checked the President. And pushed back. Here, Trump claims that the United States has the lowest Covid-19 mortality in the world. He is wrong, and Wallace tells him as much, citing John Hopkins:

When Trump insists that certain states with Democratic governorrs won't allow him to have rallies, Chris Wallace suggests to him that maybe it's "because of public health reasons":

Meanwhile, on claims that more testing creates more cases:

This is the kind of bold statement want from a President! "I'll just keep saying the same thing, because even a broken watch is right twice a day!"

Trump often brags about taking a cognitive test and passing it, saying that Biden couldn't do the same. Chris Wallace says that he took it, and that it is actually really easy. Trump continues to insist that Biden could not pass it (nor could Wallace) (Here's the test. It's very very simple, and not an intelligence test, but one used to assess people for dementia).

The transcript of that exchange looks even worse:

Are we sure Trump passed that test?

When Wallace reads out the results of a brand new Fox News poll, Trump calls them fake and starts citing made-up polls that show he is winning in every battleground state.

I haven't seen the video of this yet, but Trump actually said this. The President of the United States:

Twitter is reacting as it should to this train wreck:

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