Attention, all other shows on television:
THAT is how you do a fall finale!
Relatedly, attention This Is Us producers, we have a question...

... what the heck just happened?!?
With the Pearsons gathered to celebrate Thanksgiving at Randall’s home on an installment titled "So Long, Marianne" last night, viewers were treated to more twists and turns than a trip down the Autobahn.
We'll start with Randall, who agreed to keep Rebecca’s memory loss a secret after last week's dramatic developments.
However, after a solo outing, his mother confessed that she needed to see a doctor.

In a flash forward, Rebecca went out to find a cake for the Big Three’s 40th birthday... only to get lost, misplace her phone, and see a man she believed to be William.
She ended up required help from the police to find her way home.
The authorities brought Rebecca to the family cabin, where Kevin and Kate were celebrating.
How come?

As Kevin noted his fiancée -- whose identity was not revealed -- was suffering from morning sickness. This, after he earlier vowed to have a wife and a child by his birthday.
Rebecca then asked if Randall would be joining them, to which Kevin replied that they weren't on speaking terms.
Back in the present, Kate admitted to Beth that she hated Crossfit Toby because he lost weight without her, as insecurities continued to plague this fan favorite.
Beth encouraged her to share her feelings with her husband, but Kate simply couldn’t do it.
She later saw a text message from Toby’s workout friends that read, “Don’t let her bring you down."

As for Beth?
She was jealous of how well Deja’s mother, Shauna, was faring.
Deja was not exactly psyched about it, either, because she wished her mom could have been that together way back when she was actually raising her.
However, Beth comforted Deja, proving her importance in Deja’s life despite the fact that she already had a mother. There's always room for more parental type of comfort for someone, right?
Nicky, meanwhile, also joined the group for Thanksgiving.
He even introduced a tradition he had with Jack and learned that Jack still shared his memories of Nicky with his children, even if he didn’t mention him by name.
In the future, Toby and Kate’s son, Jack, carried on the family’s Thanksgiving customs.
Elsewhere in the episode, Kevin helped Tess come out to her classmates via Instagram -- and the response, thankfully, was overwhelmingly positive.

And that was that for This Is Us in 2019!
The show returns with new episodes in January on NBC.