Reddit Asks: What's Something So Commonly Misunderstood That You Need To Clear It Up?
In the popular Ask Reddit sub-reddit, /u/AlanaTrevino wanted to know what misunderstood situations, old wives tales, or straight up everyday thing just needed to be cleared up? What thing bugs you so much that you need to set people straight RIGHT NOW?
I would like to say that being a redhead doesn't give me my fiery temper. It's everyone being an idiot that causes my anger to flare, GOT IT??
Honestly, the fact that anyone needs to be told this makes me furious:
Pro-tip: Save your hands and use whatever you can grab while fighting, you wildcat.
When they separate the girls and boys to show them films about their changing bodies, schools should also explain bra sizing. To both sexes.
I'm fine with people being designated organ donors unless they opt out instead of the other way around.
//taps nose//
Keep your loser hands off of wildlife! Cool people only.
Thank goodness someone cleared this up: