President Trump Did Not Have a Good Weekend

November 18, 2019

I still cannot get over the fact that Donald Trump checked into a hospital for two hours on Saturday for a an unscheduled "phase one" of his physical exam -- four months early -- and the media is like, "Cool, OK!" even though physicals only take half an hour and are typically conducted in the White House. We're just gonna let that go, huh? Somebody once put a hand on Hillary's back to offer her support while she walked a huge flight of stairs -- which, by the way, Trump is scared of -- and it was a months-long news story.

Trump did not appear in public yesterday, and he has no scheduled public appearances today, although, I hear he is going to make an unscheduled appearance at Trump Tower for a milkshake.


If Trump is experience anxiety or chest pains, I'm not sure what he has to be stressed out about. The public is clearly on his side:

Only 51 percent according to the poll above want to remove Trump from office, meaning a full 49 percent of Americans aren't sure yet! I mean, at least he's still got the red states under control.

Well, OK. Fine, but at least he has enough political capital with his base that he wouldn't balk as passing legislation he's long-touted because polls say he might lose a few voters:

Whatever. He may be a little ill. He may have expended all of his political capital in Louisianna. He may not be popular with American voters. And he may be so weak as a President that he's afraid to pass legislation with broad bipartisan support, but at least the impeachment hearings are going his way now.

What's new: Per the WSJ, Sondland kept officials including acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and Energy Secretary Rick Perry informed via email of developments in the push to get Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to announce an investigation into the Bidens.

What's that? Sondland is going to testify this week?

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