Rob Lowe’s son reacts to his mom teaching Gwyneth Paltrow about oral sex

July 25, 2020

Days after Gwyneth Paltrow revealed that Rob Lowe’s wife, Sheryl Berkoff, taught her how to perform oral sex, the couple’s son, John Owen Lowe, is screaming TMI!

John, 25, took to Twitter to make light of the awkward confession, joking that the revelation falls right in line with everything else plaguing the world this year.

“2020 has been a wild ride, but this has settled it for me. I choose death by murder hornets,” he joked on Twitter referring to the potentially-deadly insects that were discovered in the US in May and have seemingly come-and-gone.

The Oscar-winning actress, 47, dropped the bomb on Lowe’s podcast, “Literally With Rob Lowe,” sharing that she and Berkoff met when she was only “15 or 16 years old.”

“I met Sheryl and I was, like, immediately obsessed with her,” Paltrow told Lowe, 56, during their friendly catch-up. “First of all, she was dating Keanu Reeves, who was my celebrity crush. And she was so cool. She knew that I was sneaking cigarettes, and she would come smoke with me behind the trailer.

“And she taught me how to give a blow job, and you know, all the classic Sheryl stuff,” the star added. “And I just worshiped her. I thought she was literally the coolest chick of all time.”

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