Grimes begs Elon Musk to ‘turn off ur phone’ after CEO tweets ‘pronouns suck’

July 25, 2020

Grimes recently implored her partner Elon Musk to turn off his cell phone after the Tesla CEO tweeted that he believes “pronouns suck.”

The singer, 32, took to Twitter after fans began tagging her beneath Musk’s controversial tweet. Many believe it to be the mogul’s way of saying he doesn’t respect individual pronoun choices, particularly those of members of the LGBTQ+ community. The 49-year-old father of seven has yet to clarify the tweet, but the implication was impactful enough for Grimes to call out her multi-millionaire partner.

“I love you but please turn off ur phone or give me a dall [sic],” the new mother wrote in a since-deleted tweet. “I cannot support hate. Please stop this. I know this isn’t your heart.”

Musk also tweeted “Twitter sucks,” which was met with far less fanfare.

Grimes and Musk announced the birth of their child, X AE A-XII, in May.

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