Anthony Scaramucci: Donald Trump made me get a penicillin shot on Air Force One

July 22, 2020

Anthony Scaramucci has relived the glorious moment he was given a shot in the buttocks while on Air Force One — due to President Trump’s germophobia.

The Mooch — who famously lasted 11 days as the White House communications director in 2017 — told Yahoo Finance’s Andy Serwer he experienced a dry throat while on the plane, and Trump called for his doctor at the time, Ronny Jackson. The Mooch recounted, “The president said, ‘Hey, something’s wrong with Anthony, go fix him.’ Ronny looked in my mouth and insisted on giving me a penicillin shot in my buttocks.”

He reflected, “So, when you think about humanity, when you think about your mortality, there I was on Air Force One with my trousers down, taking a penicillin shot.”

Scaramucci also said he’s backing Joe Biden in the election. “A good portion of Republicans, myself included, have broken away from the president and would choose Joe Biden over President Trump.” Asked if he would serve under Biden, the Mooch said, “Well, only if he promised I would serve for 12 days and not 11.”

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