Donald Trump's Tulsa Rally Was a Disaster

June 21, 2020

Allow me to direct you to my favorite Tweet of the month, from Donald Trump's campaign manager, Brad Parscale, seven days ago:

Last night, 6,600 people showed up to the Bank of Oklahoma building, which holds 19,000. It was expected to be full, while thousands more were expected at the overflow building. Here's the Secret Service dismantling the overflow stage, because no one was there:

This is what that looked like before the stage was removed:

This is inside the arena, where Trump gave his speech:

The rally that we have all been dreading all week was a goddamn disaster.

As for the speech itself, when he finally gave it to a half-empty auditorium? It, too, was a disaster. He drank water, to prove a point:

Remember last week, when he had difficulty going down a ramp. He spent a full half his speech explaining himself.

In his speech, he never mentioned George Floyd, nor the 115,000 people who have died of Covid-19, but he did refer to the "kung flu," a phrase that Kellyanne Conway insisted no one in the White House would ever say a few weeks ago.

Inexplicably, he also admitted to slowing down testing, which definitely got a lot of people killed.

Otherwise, it was all just a rambling mess:

And here's what happened, if you haven't heard: KPop fans basically reserved 800,000 tickets for the event last week to troll the Trump campaign. It's why Brad Parscale's expectations were so high, why everyone though there would be a hundred thousand people in Tulsa this weekend. KPop fans! Wow! And that huge data haul Parscale bragged about? HAHA HA HA HAHA.

A train wreck, people. A train wreck!

Happy Father's Day!

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