Dree Hemingway, great-granddaughter of Ernest Hemingway, on Idaho upbringing

June 29, 2020

Dree Hemingway. Two great names. “Dree” was her late father director Stephen Crisman’s first spoken word. And “Hemingway?” Great-grampa on Mama’s side, Ernest Hemingway. Mama, actress Mariel Hemingway. Aunt — Margaux Hemingway.

Currently in the on-demand film “Run With the Hunted,” she a spoiled brat?

“No. I grew up in Ketchum, Idaho. Studied ballet at 4. Summer school in Paris at 15. And I danced all over the USA. I always wanted to perform and express myself. I was a ham for attention even as a child.

“But inside, terrified. It’s still nerve-wracking. I’m better when I focus on the other actors and work off their energy. I sweat when I get nervous. So I do lots of serious talking to myself. I let me know I’m on my own. I authenticate myself. And I bring what I like to my character.”

Having already worked with Noah Baumbach, Spike Jonze and Lena Dunham, what’s her gizzard chat on this which deals with lost children and abusive relationships?

“My character Peaches is an orphan, very damaged, she lives on the streets. But, see, I’ve known people like those in ‘Run With the Hunted.’ I had the experience with my best friend growing up.”

Meanwhile, due to quarantining, “I’m home in LA with Bear, my 7-month-old half-border collie, half-Saint Bernard, who steadily marks his territory.

“Walking him, I’ve thought about ‘Day 47,’ a short funny film about the alone part of quarantining. Go to fridge, work out, get groceries, FaceTime even when you don’t want to talk.”

Dree’s lone acting problem? “I can’t cry on command.”

Please pay attention

Emeril Lagasse donated $500,000 — that’s a lot of creole — to support COVID-19 causes in Louisiana, Nevada and Florida.

More Florida. Commercial flight passenger to NYC: “No one took my temperature, made me sign anything about quarantining, nobody did nothing special.”

More. Weather? Hot. Residents, not. Schlepped out of attics, it’s their old sleeveless dresses they haven’t worn since 1840. On rainy days, they shop for jewelry. Jewelry’s their grown-up toys.

More. The late-’70s book and movie “Mommie Dearest” immortalized Joan Crawford’s daughter, Christina, trashing Mama. Well, Florida has alligators, and today Mar-a-Lago is wrestling a human variety — Mary, daughter of the president’s late brother Fred, and her anti-Donald book.

The president’s other brother, Robert, just recovered from a health experience and — who knows? — maybe it was symbiotic. This niece’s book a symptom of greed, envy, call it horrible, disgusting. Were Gertrude Stein alive today, she’d say: “A bitch is a bitch is a bitch.”

It’s not personal

I need to explain something. Joe Biden, whom I’ve picked on, is a very nice, decent man. He’s enjoyed a long rewarding life. It’s simply that at this point he’s just not able. In her late years, my mother suffered this same haze. I loved her desperately . . . beyond measure . . . but I know she could never be President of the United States of America. Neither can Joe Biden.


Producer Jeff Richards: “Tracy Letts’ ‘The Minutes’ was to open 2020. Now it’s for March 2021, Cort Theatre, if safeguards are in place and government allows gatherings of more than 500. Believing a vaccine essential, we hope this allows the return of our theatrical heritage, the American play.”

After “Linda Vista,” Letts would have had two shows this Broadway season. “The Minutes” reveals hypocrisy, greed and ambition in the small town of Big Cherry.

Rebels and looters, some organized and subsidized by professional haters, are not trying to tear down America’s history, statues, cities, values or capitol — their aim is to countrywide tear down America.

Understand, this is not only in New York, kids, not only in New York.

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