'Ken and Karen' Are Being Dragged for Pointing Guns at Peaceful Protestors

June 29, 2020

Over the weekend, someone tweeted this apology from St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson into my timeline:

Without any context, I read that Tweet and thought, "What happened? Were the names and addresses of individuals visible on letters that she read or something? She should be more careful!"

Then I read the mentions, and many of them were along the lines of, "Resign!" or "You must resign!" or "Get the f**k out, lady." I thought that was a harsh response to an unfortunate mistake.

And then I saw what Mayor Krewson actually did. She didn't thoughtlessly make the names and addresses of her own constituents visible to the camera. SHE READ THOSE NAMES AND ADDRESSES ALOUD. They are the names of protesting individuals who asked to defund and/or reform the police, and the mayor essentially gave those names and addresses to the police or anyone else who might disagree with them.

That apology in no way matched the egregiousness of the offense. That was intentional doxxing and intimidation. What Mayor Krewson did was f**ked up, and calls on her to resign were only not out of line, but completely appropriate. That's a premeditated action committed with malicious intent.

That was Friday. By Sunday, there were hundreds of protestors outside of Mayor Krewson's home chanting "resign Lyda, take the cops with you." These protests were peaceful. However, around 6 p.m. last night, the number of protestors grew to around 500, and then this happened:

Like, WTF? A semi-automatic weapon and a pistol? Look at their proud, smug faces, behaving as though they're not going to end up being viral caricatures of vile racism within the next 24 hours. And of course, Donald Trump retweeted them. OF COURSE.

This is also not legal:

They are on the sidewalk. That's it.

I don't know the actual names of these racist people, but the Internet has nicknamed them "Ken and Karen," and they are getting dragged.

Oh shut up, Meghan.

Also, to the point of all this: Karen and Ken's actions do not excuse those of Mayor Krewson. She should still resign.

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