Matt Roloff Doesn't Wear Mask at Dinner, Gets Destroyed Online

June 29, 2020

Matt Roloff can do very little right these days, according to a varity of critics.

The Little People, Big World star has come under extreme fire of late for his apparent views on the Black Lives Matter movement, mostly because he's said very little about it.

The veteran TLC personality didn't post anything at all about the ongoing protests for multiple weeks, prompting many social media followers to assume he wasn't on the side of social justice.

He then issued a bland and vague statement that didn't satisfy any of these observers.

"Practice gentleness, seek truth, give up anger, do not slander, and have compassion for all beings. Be gentle, modest, and useful to others," wrote Roloff at last, adding as a caption:

"We live in times of opportunity to do better. I’m in!"

Aside from the push for police reform and equality across the nation these days, the other major topic on everyone's mind is the coronavirus.

It's simply raging almost everywhere once again, which is why many folks are now raising an eyebrown over Matt's latest Instagram photo.

It features Matt, girlfriend Caryn Chandler and some friends inside of a restuarant in Oregon.

Yes, they are sitting far apart from all other patrons and, yes, there's food on the table, meaning one can't really be wearing a mask in order to consume it.

But does anyone even see a mask anywhere in this picture?

Due to Matt and his party seemingly choosing NOT cover their faces while out for a meal, a new round of criticism has come Roloff's way.

The number of new coronavirus cases in the past seven days in Oregon, 1,406, accounts for 17% of all of Oregon’s coronavirus cases to date, which stand at 8,341 overall.

For the third day in a row, the state reported more than 200 new cases of the virus on Sunday -- and it hit a record high as a recently as June 16.

In other words: Oregon isn't in great shape at the moment and it's imperative that residents wear a mask when in public.

As you can see above, Matt has worn an entire face shield in the past ... but he's also been accused of endangering his grandkids by not quaranting for a long enough period after spending time with them in early May.

Wrote Matt as a caption on Instagram:

"Yesterday.. after wrapping up filming and farm chores for the week.. @carynchandler1 and I decided to break away and headed west for the 90 min drive to the small beach town — Manzinita!

"Had an amazing dinner with friends at a quaint little cozy Oregon coast restaurant @nknbistro."

Matt then surprised followers by adding:

"No sooner did we finish dinner - we ran into @jacobroloff45 (Izzy was at a friends house) walking his dogs down the main beach boulevard.

"Nice short visit with Jacob before heading off to see our friends new house they’re building. And bonus saw these Bull Elk and his cows hanging in the front yard.

"Nice! Have a great weekend out there !"

Jacob, of course, went public just several days ago with backlash against his own family.

In the wake of the aforementioned protests, Jacob listed a number of organizations to which one could donate in support of this cause.

He then basically pointed to his parents and urged them to use their platform to make a difference in society.

"Keep marching, keep confronting, keep talking, keep educating… For a better world NOW," wroote Jacob over a photo of a protest, prior to then adding his call-out.

"Tagging my family (those with great followings) because they have majority white audiences who desperately require a call to solidarity with these protesters and dissenters," wrote Matt's youngest child at the time.

Matt has not taken his son's advice in this regard.

Based on the above photographic evidence, though, it doesn't seem as though any hard feelings exist between the loved ones.

But let's wait to state that with full confidence until after Jacob learns his dad didn't wear a mask in a restaurant.

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