Gerrit Cole’s pregnant wife Amy wonders if baby will come before Yankees camp

June 28, 2020

Gerrit Cole and his pregnant wife Amy are ready to meet their new teammate.

Taking to Instagram on Saturday, Amy polled her nearly 55,000 followers as to what major life-event will take place first: the birth of the couple’s first child or the beginning of spring training.

“Due date is in 3 days. Baseball starts in 4 days. Which will be here first?” Amy posted alongside a pair of Yankees booties with Cole’s number painted on the back.

Amy and Gerrit Cole; Amy's Instagram poll
Amy and Gerrit Cole; Amy’s Instagram pollGetty Images; Instagram

As of Sunday morning, 58 percent of Amy’s followers believe her baby boy will arrive first, while the other 42 percent voted in favor of baseball.

Spring training is set to begin Wednesday in the Bronx ahead of the shortened 60-game season due to the coronavirus crisis. Cole is expected to start for the Yankees against the Washington Nationals on Opening Day next month in the nation’s capital.

Shortly after Cole signed a nine-year, $324 million deal with the Yankees, he and Amy announced in January that they are expecting.

Amy, a former pitcher at UCLA, has been keeping her husband sharp on the mound amid the global pandemic.

The Coles have been married since 2016.

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