Ex-porn star Mia Khalifa thanks fans for #JusticeForMia, debuts nose job

June 27, 2020

Former adult entertainer Mia Khalifa is working to have old images and videos removed from porn-sharing sites, such as PornHub, becoming overwhelmed with recent support from the masses under the social media hashtag #JusticeForMia.

“Yall make fun of Mia bcs of her old career, but that doesn’t mean yall can dehumanize her!! And we realised that the people who judge/slut shaming Mia are also the one who clicking on her. Hypocrite much. #justiceformia,” wrote one fan in her defense, while another added, “Mia Khalifa was manipulated and forced into the porn industry and regrets every single video she made. she’s been talking about the sex abuse and trafficking in the industry for years. she only got paid 12k for those videos as well. we need to boycott the hub.”

“I feel your support and love you so much,” Khalifa responded to fans on Instagram.

The 27-year-old also recently went under the knife, dropping around $15,000 on rhinoplasty surgery, TMZ reports

Khalifa took to Instagram to share her first post-op photo, praising her physician for giving her the perfect schnoz for her wedding day.

“THIS IS THE REAL RE-BRAND 😭😂 @deepakdugarmd just changed my life and I couldn’t be happier or more ready for 75+ people to stare at my side profile at my wedding 🥺♥️”

Khalifa is engaged to chef Robert Sandberg.

She continued, “this is day 2 post-op and I have a pain scale of 0 so far. I’m gonna take y’all on this whole process with me, and so is @deepakdugarmd so follow him for the Q&A’s we did for y’all about my hopes/expectations.”

Khalifa was also sure to mention that she didn’t want to get rid of her “strong, middle eastern nose,” but rather, wanted to soften it “to be more feminine.”

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