JoJo Siwa Accused of Music Video Blackface, Insists She Did Nothing Wrong

June 29, 2020

In May, JoJo Siwa stunned the entire internet by setting aside her "nightmare clown" persona and showing her real self in a TikTok challenge.

Now, she is coming under fire and accused of putting a young girl in blackface during a music video. Oh no, why?!

On June 19, 17-year-old JoJo Siwa released her music video for "NONSTOP."

The video plays on the premise of an old-timey Circus freakshow, with children playing strong men, zebras, and a bearded lady.

One of those children was a preteen girl who played a "monkey contortionist." Her costume was ... unfortunate.

"I would like to address the music video that we shot for 'NONSTOP' in February," JoJo shared in a recent, lengthy post.

After not-so-subtly reminding people that it was filmed earlier this year, she noted: "We’re talking about kids dressing up as circus animals!"

'No one in my video is wearing Blackface," JoJo strongly insisted.

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"It's awful that anyone's mind would even go there," JoJo lamented.

She continued: "Kids dressing in animal costumes, having their faces painted to look like animals, acting the part."

"There were zebras, tigers, dogs, clowns, mermaids, everything," JoJo correctly recalled.

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"I've addressed Black Lives Matter issues previously on my social media," JoJo reminded her followers.

"I will say it again for the ones in the back," she announced, "Black Lives Matter, today, tomorrow, yesterday and forever."

"I'm on the right side of history here," JoJo asserted. "Stop trying to make this about something it isn't."

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JoJo also noted: "My instagram post yesterday had absolutely nothing to do with the criticism I received on my music video 'NONSTOP.'"

"I blocked certain people online and stopped following others," she explained, "because I was tired of seeing the personal hate on me,"

"Some people will do anything for attention," JoJo lamented, "and that includes being mean."

JoJo Siwa non-apology tweet

JoJo explained: "People were sending me really horrible and disgusting messages about my appearance, my sexuality, my content, and overall just being hateful."

After she posted that lengthy message, a Twitter user challenged her, saying that her message "didn't look like an apology,"

"I didn't do anything that needs an apology.... this is me clearing things up," JoJo fired back.

As for that previous post that some people had believed to be about music video criticism, here is what JoJo wrote.

"This is for all the people I blocked today  -- peace out girl scout," she stated on social media.

"This is my Instagram," JoJo reminded them, "and anyone who is going to be mean is NOT going to be allowed on here."

"People are bossing me around, telling me who to follow, what to post, what to like, what to say, what to do, everything," JoJo complained.

"It's not about what you do on social media," she reminded them.

JoJo stated: "it’s about what you do in real life."

"Black lives matter. Today they do, Yesterday they did, and forever they will. As they should," JoJo previously affirmed.

"EVERYONE is equal and everyone is human," she added. "No matter your color, size, sexuality."

"if you are a good person, which is ALL that matters," JoJo concluded her BLM statement, "I will stand by your side. forever."

It is difficult to be the arbiter of what is and is not "blackface." Sometimes, costumes can fall under that category by accident.

For example, one could put leopard spots on one's face with brown makeup, but cosplaying as a black-skinned drow would be a no-no.

The history of using blackface as a weapon against Black Americans is long and vicious.

Our advice? Err on the side of caution and if you have to have a monkey costume, make it an albino. Or, better yet, some sort of Yeti.

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