Jill Duggar Attempts to Cash In as Influencer, Fails Miserably

June 29, 2020

These days, just about everyone who appears on a popular reality show supplements their income by posting sponsored content on their Instagram page.

These posts might not be the favorites of their fans, but you can hardly blame the stars for attempting to take full advantage of their fame while they have it.

And you really can't blame someone in Jill Duggar's situation.

Ever since Jill's husand, Derick Dillard, got fired from Counting On, her family has been hard-up for cash.

Jill quit the show as a gesture of solidarity, and while we're sure Derick appreciated her loyalty, the move left the Dillards with two kids and no steady income.

Derick is working as a Grub Hub driver these days, but that's hardly enough to provide the Dillards with the lifestyle they're accustomed to.

And so, Jill is attempting to add to the family funds with some endorsement deals.

Unfortunately, it seems she's not exactly a natural when it comes to selling products.

Jill Tans

Jill's latest partnership is with a company that specializes in "sunless tanning solutions."

In other words, they sell the sort of bronzer crap that's supposed to make you look like you've been out in the sun without a mask on.

To her credit, Jill was very honest about her experience with the product.

Unfortunately, that kind of honesty can be bad for business.

Jill Tans 2

"I should have put regular lotion on my hands just to, like, smooth it out but, like, you can tell it's very splotchy,"  Jill said in her Instagram Story.

"Yeah, not gonna work," she added with a sigh of resignation.

Of course, Jill's experience with the product was not entirely negative. 

"I did put regular lotion on my knees before touching up to help blend it, and it worked great. No lines!" she added.

Jill Tans 3

"I just need to figure out how to better apply it to my hands."

Hey, in the long run, that kind of honesty might actually be good for Jill's career as an influencer, as it bolsters her credibility.

Unfortunately, Duggar fans aren't always receptive to seeing their faves cash in with endorsement deals.

Unlike other reality stars, the Duggars are held to a very high moral standard.

This makes sense, of course, as they live their lives in constant judgment of other people.

But there are some significant downsides to portraying yourself as so flawlessly virtuous.

In Jill's case, for example, some fans are upset by what they see as an undermining of her values for the sake of making a quick buck.

Last we checked, there's no commandment against selling discount bronzer to your Instagram followers, but a lot of Jill's followers still buy her father's BS about the Duggars using their fame as a global ministry, not a means to cash in.

This is odd, as the Dillards are feuding with Jim Bob these days, and it appears that they want nothing to do with him.

The rift has left Jill and Derick fending for themselves financially.

And if Jill wants to ease her family's burden by selling a little bronzer, we say more power to her!

We're sure Derick is doing his best and all.

But feeding an entire family off of Grub Hub tips can't be easy!

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