The Five Most Memorable Moments from the November Democratic Debates

November 21, 2019

The November Democratic Debates were held in Atlanta last night, and for a couple of hours anyway, the media's focus turned from the impeachment to the Democratic candidates, who spent at least some of their time attacking Trump. It was a low-key debate, not particularly contentious, and the pre-game hype about everyone coming after the frontrunner du jour Pete Buttigieg never really materialized. It was mostly civil (and kind of a snoozer), and the candidates largely stuck to their usual talking points, which is not necessarily a bad thing if you're one of the four candidates leading the pack and just trying to hold the line through Iowa and New Hampshire.

In fact, most of the night's biggest moments came from second- and third-tier candidates, who are asking for a second look, and with the polls being as fluid as they have been in recent weeks, some like Kamala and Klobuchar (and maybe even Cory) may get another glance. Then again, this is all moot because it will be forgotten by 10 a.m. this morning if Fiona Hill drops another bombshell in the impeachment hearings.

Here, however, were the most memorable moments from the debate:

Kamala Goes after Trump on Foreign Policy: 'Trump Got Punked'

Joe Biden sticks his damn foot in it. Again

Corey Booker goes after Biden for saying he wouldn't legalize marijuana

Amy Klobuchar's delivers a crowd-pleasing moment while knocking Buttigieg down half a peg

And Kamala torches Tulsi Gabbard

(Bonus: Pete also gets a pointed barb in on Tulsi, as well)

If we were scoring the night's debate, I'd probably give Kamala the win, Shaky Joe the loss, and Tulsi the Go the F**k Home Award.

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