'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker' Script Ended Up on eBay and it Pissed Off J.J. Abrams
I'll never forget the story about how, after finding out he'd be playing Khan in Star Trek Into Darkness, Benedict Cumberbatch was hand delivered the movie's script by a studio rep who flew to London with the script handcuffed to him. Now, I don't know about you, but I was skeptical. That sounds like an extreme way to ensure that no spoilers could be leaked online. But, the joke's on me because studios take spoilers VERY seriously, especially in the age of the internet (just ask Tom Holland).
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker director J.J. Abrams recently shared a horrifying story about the movie's script and how it was almost sold on eBay. Yes, this really happened. Apparently, an undisclosed actor left the precious cargo behind by accident. Naturally, it didn't take long for the script to make its way online and onto eBay's auction listing. Does that mean certain Star Wars leaks might have been real and we didn't know it?!?
Here's what J.J. Abrams told Good Morning America:
"One of our actors, I won't say which one -- I want to, but I won't -- left it under their bed and it was found by someone who was cleaning their place. It was given to someone else, who then went to sell it on eBay."
Like everyone else listening to this story, you must have gasped, too. I'm surprised Disney even let actors carry around scripts without security tailing them, to be quite honest (I kid! But, I still wouldn't put it past them). Thankfully, someone at Disney happened upon the script on eBay and nabbed it before it could be sold. Whew! Dodged a bullet right there. I'm sure whomever it was that lost the script got called out, though hopefully it wasn't too bad (hey, people lose sh*t sometimes, it happens!).
You can check out the full video below. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is in theaters December 20, 2019.
.@starwars launched 42 years ago. And 24 days from now, the final chapter will be revealed in theaters! We are THRILLED to have director @jjabrams with us this morning -- and he's sharing an EXCLUSIVE clip from #TheRiseOfSkywalker! pic.twitter.com/gOfUTGWzpW
— Good Morning America (@GMA) November 25, 2019