Jesus Christ, 'The View' Is a Much Better Show Without Meghan McCain's Warbling

November 14, 2019

I've written about Meghan McCain so much that I'm amazed the Secret Service hasn't snatched me up in the LEGO aisle at Target where they could easily find me. Just look for the guy eyeing up the new Batcave with blonde hair in his pocket. Anyway, to make this an even bigger cry for help, I didn't know how to live what to do with myself when I found out that Meghan will be in London for the rest of the week, so I did something crazy: I watched The View anyway, and it was delightful.

Jokes aside, I've often wondered what the hell Meghan brings to the table, and this morning's discussion on yesterday's impeachment hearing only added more question marks around why ABC pays her to basically squawk The Federalist headlines and stir up armed insurrection. Granted, in theory, Meghan represents "everyday Republicans," which is odd considering she's a beer heiress who lives in a million-dollar Manhattan penthouse. In her defense, she does personify the willful ignorance and thinly veiled racism of your aunt's Facebook rants. Meghan definitely nails that part. But do those viewpoints really need to be amplified? It doesn't take a scientist to figure out where Meghan and/or the Mayo Monolith she represents stand on an issue. Just turn on Fox News.

For the record, I'm not (entirely) suggesting that The View shouldn't try to represent Republican views and lock itself in an ideological bubble. I'm just saying that maybe it doesn't need the absolutely worst example of those views derailing every conversation when the show has a perfectly good Abby Huntsman who was essentially the Anti-Meghan during today's impeachment panel. You see, while a depressing portion of the media acted like Bill Taylor failed the nation by not strutting out to "The Final Countdown" with a knife in his teeth, The View actually took the time to explain to its daytime audience that the evidence against Trump is about as airtight as it gets and Republicans have nothing to combat it except for grandstanding partisan stunts. (For everyone already prepping for battle over Thanksgiving dinner, Rolling Stone has a handy little guide for debunking the GOP's extremely weak talking points.)

Normally, when I watch The View clips, I have to pause and take a breather because I hate seeing right-wing bullshit go unchallenged because the person spewing it is just going to talk over everybody and/or be an absolute b-word until she's steered everyone towards some inane distraction. That did not happen with Meghan gone. Not only did the panel have a civil and informative discussion that emphasized the staggering revelations from the hearing, but Abby Huntsman brought up her politician father, the former US Ambassador to Russia, and it was actually relevant to the conversation. I almost fell out of my chair! Abby mentions how Trump and Sondland's back-channel phone calls were a massive security breach that almost definitely got intercepted by the Russians because what's happening with this Ukraine business is part and parcel with RussiaGate, which is very real and not "QAnon for liberals" or "Russophobia" or whatever contrarian talking point is being farted around Socialist Twitter.

That said, Abby does have a few moments where she tries to paint the Republican Party as some stalwart beacon of exemplary foreign policy (yeah, no), but unlike Meghan, her moments of jingoism are more to sell the point that she's a dyed-in-the-wool Republican and even she can't believe the evidence she's seeing against Trump. Maybe it's from pressing my ear to a gaping Jell-O shot maw for too long, but it was downright refreshing to watch Abby act like she's about to pull a "But Obama..." only to make a remarkably salient point instead of calling Adam Schiff a prima donna, which would've been Meghan's move.

So I'm not only praising the Republican white lady, all four co-hosts were on the ball grappling with the Republican attacks on the impeachment hearing, and I don't know know how they walked off that stage wondering why the show can't be like this everyday. Complete adult discussions that inform as well entertain without devolving into a reality TV shouting matches about about how a spoiled tart will never live without guns? That has must sound like heaven. Sure, it'll screw me out of easy content, but I'll gladly bite that bullet. For America.

Your move, ABC.

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