Donald Trump Spent Two Hours In the Hospital and It Definitely Wasn't for Chest Pains

November 17, 2019

Yesterday, President Trump spent two hours at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. It was an unscheduled visit. The White House says that Trump was undergoing part of his annual physical exam early because he anticipated a busy 2020 election season and he wanted to get it out of the way. His last physical was in February. This is how the NYTimes, CNN, and others have reported it:

The appointment was not on the president's schedule, in contrast to a previous physical that Mr. Trump had in February, also at Walter Reed outside Washington.

In a statement, Stephanie Grisham, the White House press secretary, said Mr. Trump, 73, was taking advantage of a free weekend to begin portions of his annual physical, and was anticipating a busy schedule in 2020. She did not specify what types of tests Mr. Trump had.

Trump himself tweeted the same:

Maybe it's true! Maybe it's not! It's almost impossible to know when it comes to Donald Trump, who has no relationship with the truth whatsoever. It certainly is unusual to complete "phase one" of a physical, which I am not sure is even a thing.

There are lots of unconfirmed reports that Trump was suffering from chest pain, and Twitter is abuzz about a Fox News tweet quickly deleted saying that Trump was checked in for chest pains. That tweet almost did not exist, because screenshots of even quickly deleted tweets would quickly make the rounds. However, Jeanine Pirro did suggest on her program last night that Trump is "almost superhuman," which is unusual given the timing.

This guy, a CNN analyst and former Secret Service agent, also thinks something is fishy.

True or not, Twitter isn't buying it.

It is worth noting that Democratic Governor John Bel Edwards defeated the Trump-backed Republican candidate and won re-election in Louisianna last night, despite efforts by Trump to deliver a victory to the Republican candidate in a deeply red state. I'm sure that the stress of that -- on top of the Republican loss of a Governor's house in Kentucky -- had nothing to do with Trump's decision to undergo "phase one" of a physical exam. He was just getting a head start, like you do!

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