Churro Dogs, Pillboi's Real Name, And More Hidden Jokes In This Week's 'The Good Place'!
Welcome! Everything is canceled!
With The Good Place rapidly heading for the finish line, they, of course, decided to change the rules on us again, and I am quickly realizing that attempting to guess where things are headed is likely a futile exercise.
But what isn't futile, at least this week, is our regular photo-hunt for hidden jokes and callbacks, because wow there were a lot this week. Let's dive in!
(Also, reminder, SPOILERS!)
Garbage Man Tequila
The tequila Michael gives Eleanor is a bottle of Basurero, which the internet tells me translates to "Garbage Man", and also happens to be the same brand of tequila she purchased just before she died.
Mystery Solved: Why is Chidi so Jacked?
We finally learn why a moral philosophy professor would get so jacked, as according to Eleanor: "When he was fourteen, someone told him that exercise alleviated anxiety, and he started doing pushups and basically never stopped."
Also, the fact that they're moving Chidi around like he's dead is a callback to season one, when Eleanor joked about carrying Chidi like he was in Weekend At Bernie's.
Smoking Indoors
A tiny little detail that I love -- there's a cigarette and ashtray on Shawn's desk, because of course there is.
The Price Is Wrong, Bench!
I'm sure all of you who ever spent an afternoon home sick in the last thirtysomething years caught this, but when the results came in just short, of course the sound that played was the losing horn from The Price Is Right.
Jason's Funeral!
A number of callbacks to explore at Jason's funeral, including...
The wings at Jason's funeral are from Stupid Nick's, of course.
(Also pictured, Jason shirtless, if that's something that interests you)
Blake Beartles returns, as well as a photo of Jason's amazing exploding motorcycle (RIP)!
Saving Humanity, One Dirtbag at a Time
We learn a few new fun things about some of those the squad's helped along the way, including:
Also, he stopped stealing pills, so good for him!
Meanwhile, Donna is both working at a women's health center, and has managed to avoid defrauding the health center!
And Brent both felt and nearly expressed genuine remorse for the first time, which looks like it was worth an absurd amount of points (which strongly correlates to some of the ethical endgame theories you guys have been positing recently).
Everything at Eleanor's Funeral
Now, we've finally arrived at Eleanor's Funeral, which is JAM PACKED.
Eleanor is buried with Lonely Girl Margarita Mix, the very product that helped lead to her demise.
The 'Ya Dead' banner is a nice touch, as are the giant trays of discount shrimp.
Janet's wearing a Adobe High School Scorpi-oties visor... wait.
What's that? In the bottom left.
Hot dogs. On Churros. Tied with Silm Jims.
Truly, we are blessed.
And of course, Chidi is dressed appropriately for Eleanor's funeral... as a mailman, just as she would have wanted.
After hearing about her, we finally get to meet Disco Janet after Bad Janet brought her (and some friends) to help out the gang, also answering some other questions that were conveniently set up a few weeks ago!
Only one episode left this year (I think), so I'm sure they'll definitely leave us completely satisfied next week and not in agony over another cliffhanger. See you then!