Norah O’Donnell looks great. Fake lashes. Spike heels. Skinny body. No stockings. Skintight dress. Hair blonder. Go, know that moving from NYC to DC makes for improvement.
Norah: “New York’s the greatest city in the world. But this moment, this time of our lives, Washington’s the center of our universe. I reported on the war in Afghanistan, covered Clinton, worked on 9/11. But we’re into a constitutional crisis. The future of democracy. It’s the most important year of our lives.
“My job’s a front seat on history, and I’ve suddenly started — first time ever — to write down something every day. To remember it all. Information’s coming at us all the time. No matter how pressured I am, how busy the newsroom, I don’t forget. I write down something, even if it’s just two lines. I keep a diary.
“I do not want to forget what happened each day. I mean, a live public impeachment? It just keeps coming at you like a fire hose.”
This was at Variety’s Salute to Service. The entertainment sector shining light on the military and good guys. An honoree was former combat vet Tulsi Gabbard. She wore a flag pin. And the fever to be president came over her when?
“I was a shy, introverted child. Nose in a book. Happiest when surfing. But, look, we’re being torn apart and we need unified leadership. We can agree or disagree, but a house divided can’t stand. It’s why I decided to run for president.”
OK — but her tight white suit, perfect black hair with assorted light streaks, professional makeup, assistant holding a mike to record her every word didn’t feel like maybe this is how Jefferson or Coolidge did it.
Donnie Wahlberg, whose wife, Jenny McCarthy, was wrapped around him tighter than his BVDs, was another honoree: “It’s maybe because I played a vet in ‘Band of Brothers’ and I’m on ‘Blue Bloods,’” the CBS show about law enforcement.
“We’ve shot that here for 10 years. Tom Selleck, who plays a New York police commissioner, was told we’d shoot this in Canada. Tom wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t fake New York.
“Even when a cab runs through your outdoor shot, so what? New York stories always have cabs someplace. All look alike. All yellow. So the scenes always match up somehow.”
Outside downtown Cipriani’s entrance, maybe 100 people were photographing the famous Bull. Fifty in front, another 50 at its rear end. And speaking of bull — inside was more of that. As Ray Kelly arrived, one voice said: “We don’t need a new top cop. We need a new mayor.” Another: “[James] O’Neill was the mayor’s lackey. He didn’t have what it takes.” Kelly just smiled.
Now hear this
The Sharon Bush wedding-to-be to financier Bob Murray was celebrated with Maria and Kenneth Fishel’s party at Doubles. The ceremony’s at Park Avenue’s Presbyterian Church. The officiant is televangelist Joel Osteen … Monday Billy Joel’s daughter Alexa Ray performs at Le Poisson Rouge with Donnie Kehr’s Rockers on Broadway … Timothy Cardinal Dolan: “God is with us now, just as he was 2,000 years ago.”
I don’t get it
Our Pledge of Allegiance is “To the Republic for which it stands.” This Republic is now standing for socialists? And Barney’s is closing, while Nordstrom is opening? And Mrs. Pelousy is empowering the underprivileged while inside a chauffeured car and recently booking a private jet to fly abroad? And Zac Posen, who shows at every single Broadway opening, is losing his business? What don’t I understand?
Bernie Sanders is an effective speaker. His words are like the horns of a steer. A point here, a point there — and bull in between.
Said NOT only in New York, kids, not only in New York.