Huma Abedin hosted a VIP NYC dinner to raise awareness for the fight against brain disease.
Guests at the elegant affair at La Grenouille honoring the Women’s Brain Initiative heard about growing concern over gender bias in medical research to fight diseases including Alzheimer’s. Women suffer from stroke, depression and dementia twice as much as men, and 70 percent of Alzheimer’s patients are female, yet medical research still focuses on the male brain.
Women’s Brain Health Initiative president Lynn Posluns told the group how healthy lifestyle choices made in early adulthood can affect a woman’s chance of developing a brain disorder.
She added, “Three cups of coffee a day and regular sex also maintains brain health.”
But, touching a subject that Abedin may sympathize with, Posluns said while “men find having a lifelong partner reduces stress, for women it can often increase stress.”
Guests included Gabriel-Kane Day-Lewis, Emma Ferrer, Candace Bushnell, Martha Stewart, Amy Sacco, Tonya Lewis Lee, Fern Mallis, Anh Duong and Dr. Gillian Einstein, a leading scientist on women’s brain health and a distant cousin of Albert Einstein.