Donald Trump Went yo Walter Reed Hospital for “Phase One” of a Physical Which Is Not A Thing

November 17, 2019

Trump speaks during his weird far-right social media summit.

President Donald Trump got the net talking again this weekend, as usual. He wasn’t colluding with foreign powers over an election or attempting to intimidate Congressional witness during their testimony – that’s so last week! No, this was potential more serious, for him at least. He went to the Hospital…and then made it weird.

Trump tweeted the following late last night:

Now we don’t know that the president is lying about this, but this is…weird, right? No one has a two phase physical. That’s just…not a thing. Especially late on a Saturday. Even weirder, this visit was not on Trump’s public calendar and his regular yearly visit is in February, so he’s not due. The White House press secretary interrupted their weekend to get in on the spin.

Now I would say visiting…someone (Trump doesn’t ID the young man, who I just assumed was a soldier) is a good cover for a secret emergency visit, but not if you immediately talk about. Then again, though this guy may be a serial liar, he’s also a bad liar who likes to go on the offensive with his falsehoods and has such hubris he thinks people will believe whatever he tweets (some do! It’s sad!).

A visit like this immediately prompted, if not concern, at least speculation as to why Trump had to go in. The bright side however was that #WalterReedHospital began trending on twitter and the results were hilarious.

Whatever the reason for the visit, I’m sure we’ll learn the truth eventually…maybe in ten years when this is a movie? At least one thing is for sure: by this time tomorrow we’ll have some other weirdness, lie or crime to talk about when it comes to the President.

(image: NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images)

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