Mother Of Three Nearly Killed By An ‘Everyday Spot’ That Left Her Unable To Walk

January 02, 2018

Everyone has noticed a small cut or spot on themselves and not known where it came from. They’re usually no big deal and we just go on with our everyday lives. But for one mother-of-three, a small everyday spot on her elbow almost ended her life.

Last September, 51-year-old Beverley Gardner, from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England, noticed a tiny blemish on her right elbow. Like most people, she didn’t think it was a reason for concern.

However, when the spot turned red, swelled up, and began to burn, her family convinced her that it was time to go to the hospital. Gardner went to the emergency room, and it was a good thing she did because doctors discovered she had sepsis.

Sepsis is a life-threatening condition where the body begins to destroy its own tissue in an effort to fight infection. Affected tissue turns black and must be removed to prevent spreading.

In Gardner’s case, surgeons cut away her infected tissue and placed her on a very high dose of antibiotics in order to save her life.

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