Everyone Is Doing The 'Kylo Ren' Challenge Thanks To John Mayer
January 02, 2018
One of the stranger scenes in The Last Jedi was the now infamous shirtless Kylo Ren scene. While the people who worked on the movie have since explained why it was in there, that hasn't stopped the internet from cracking jokes and making memes.
John Mayer, of all people, has taken it a step further and issued what he is calling the #KyloRenChallenge. It is exactly what it sounds like.
Naturally, people took him up on this.
Eventually animals and toys even got in on the fun.
Users have gone back through other movies and TV shows and found that some other characters are retroactively doing the Kylo Ren Challenge.
Are you up for the challenge?
[h/t Mashable]