Nicole Nafziger: Stop Judging My Relationship With Azan! It's True Love!
August 27, 2020
If there is one thing that 90 Day Fiance trolls love, it's to give Nicole Nafziger grief.
They have tried to shame her for "lying" about Azan.
They have mom-shamed her, body-shamed her, and tried new forms of trolling that don't have a shame-hyphen name yet.
Now, a new troll strolled into her comments with a new message.
This commenter says that there's no way that Nicole and Azan's relationship can work out -- that it's always been doomed.
Why? Because, they claim, Nicole is a bad person.
Nicole is shutting that down.
1. Nicole wants fans to PLEASE be nice

She is once again engaging with her fans. Some are being nice, but the most vocal ones are attacking her. Trolls like to give her grief over a number of topics, but they have one favorite topic in particular.
2. They HATE her relationship with Azan

Naturally, that hate is in full swing after Nicole just spent five long months in Morocco after the COVID-19 pandemic turned what should have been a romantic two-week vacation into an extended stay. Oh, trolls gave her hell for not being with May (who was perfectly fine, safe with her grandmother) and some wild conspiracy theorists made up new rumors -- one was that Azan was secretly married with kids (to his cousin, no less) and the other that Nicole was not ever in Morocco, that she had faked it for some reason on Instagram.
3. She's back now, by the way

She came in early in the second week of August, flying first to New York and then back home to Florida. She safely reunited with May, her precious six year old. They were in regular contact while Nicole was in Morocco, but seeing each other in person again was very welcome.
4. And that's not all!

At basically the exact same time that Nicole was returning, her sister Taylor gave birth to her niece! And yes, Nicole was tested for COVID-19 and tested negative before she held the precious newborn.
5. Another family milestone

May lost one of her front teeth! Nicole's announcement of this precious moment in her daughter's life was unfortunately marred as trolls took to the comments to give her a hard time.
6. Some were simply ignorant

Folks, Azan Tefou is a stage name that Hassan M'Raouni used for 90 Day Fiance. This has been fairly common knowledge in the 90 Day Fiance fandom for some time, now, since well before Nicole and Azan quit the show. If you didn't know before, well, now you do.