
It Ain't Subtle

August 27, 2020

The WNBA's strike is something else. These women, my god. 💪❤️ (Buzzfeed)

The Inside Story of the $8 Million Heist From the Carnegie Library Precious maps, books and artworks vanished from the Pittsburgh archive over the course of 25 years. (Smithsonian Mag)

Tom and Lorenzo discuss Melania's military-like dress at the RNC Convention. As they say in their post, it was "not a coincidence in any way" and "She ain't subtle, folks." INDEED. (T&L)

Reading through these text messages between Alaska's (soon to be former I hope) AG and much younger colleague was so uncomfortable yet all too familiar. This guy is a such a creep. (ProPublica)

KFC read the room and is dropping the "Finger Lickin' Good" slogan. (The Guardian)

This is truly a gripping story: Did TikTok Help Solve a Decades-Old Disappearance? (The Cut)

Brad Pitt is taking a leaf out of Leonardo DiCaprio's book and got himself a 27-year-old girlfriend. Except, now that I think about it, that's too old for Leo, isn't it? (Celebitchy)

You know that brain chip thing that Elon Musk is supposedly developing? Well buckle up, because apparently the demo is coming tomorrow. (The Verge)

Honest to Godtopus, I did not know that Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom were a couple. Regardless, congrats on the birth of their daughter! (Lainey Gossip)

Other things I know nothing about: Housewives shows. This (Zoom?) web call still from the Beverly Hills franchise looks awful. Is that how they all dress? To hang out inside their homes?! I went from having Day Pajamas and Night Pajamas to now just having...Pajamas, so dressing as they do feels exhausting to me. I'm going to take a nap on their behalf. (Dlisted)

Apple's new iPhone operating system is making it harder for Facebook to track people, and Facebook says it will decimate part of its business. POOR BABY. (Business Insider)

Florida is going to release 750 million mosquitoes genetically engineered to decimate the mosquito population. (Fast Company)

Like a lot of parents, Fiat.Luxury has faced challenges during the pandemic. After a bad day she opened How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen. "LORD KNOWS that parenting in the times of COVID doesn't leave you a lot of free time for luxurious reading, so if you're looking for a truly helpful book for parents of toddlers that you can read in short spurts, this is a good choice." Where are you turning for help these days? (Cannonball Read 12)

...I do NOT pack like this when I go on holiday. Holy moly.

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