
Kendall Jenner Saves the Summer of 2020

August 30, 2020

As we enter the final weeks of the summer of 2020, you might be feeling that the year's most-anticipated season was something of a bust.

No concerts, no bar patios, no street festivals, or in-person attendance at baseball games ...

Thankfully, the Jenner sisters have done their best to rescue the pandemic-plagued people of America from a crippling case of summertime sadness.

It all started with Kylie Jenner's quarantine content.

Not since Barry Bonds smacked 73 home runs in a single season has the summer been so thoroughly dominated by an artificially-enhanced super-person.

Kylie twerked in a bikini; she showed off her $36-million mansion, and she generally did her best to keep her followers entertained during this time of crisis.

Last week, much of the Kar-Jenner crew traveled to Turks and Caicos (Kim was forced to remain stateside to babysit Kanye) to celebrate Kylie's 23rd birthday.

It was there that Kylie and Kendall engaged in an epic battle of curves.

Some say, Kendall was trying to upstage Kylie after watching her sister dominate Instagram all summer.

We don't know if that's true.

but we do know a few things for certain:

1. Kendall wore several bikinis that were made of less fabric than your typical pandemic mask.

2. She seemed to have really, really enjoy herself during her island getaway.

We suppose that's a pretty easy thing to go when you have the means to board a private jet and party with your family and fly off to the tropics for a week.

But it seems the 24-year-old model has a lot smile about these days, even when she's back home in Calabasas.

Kendall is dating Devin Booker of the Phoenix Suns, and insiders say the relationship is going very well.

Devin did not join the Kar-Jenners in Turks and Caicos, but sources claim the couple spent a lot of time together in SoCal prior to his quarantine inside the NBA bubble, and they intend to pick up where they left off now that his season is over.

"Kendall and friends have a small social circle amongst the group, who have been following the same social distancing and physical distancing guidelines," an insider tells TMZ.

"Devin is a friend and is part of the small group.

Well, that's nice for them.

But who are we kidding?

You came here to see video of Kendall dancing in a bikini under a sky of fireworks, which can be found in her latest Instagram post that we have graciously provided.

The footage was shot in Turks and Caicos, but if it doesn't bring a tear to your eye, we might have to ask you to turn in your American card.

Kendall jenner runs around in a bikini single handedly saves sum

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