The NYTimes did a nice job this morning of reporting on the substance of Donald Trump's speech accepting his party's nomination last night -- a lot of lies and revisionism about the coronavirus; desperate efforts to make himself sound less racist; and attacks on Joe Biden that are not in any way consistent with the record and/or positions of Joe Biden.
The only thing better than @ddale8 running down all of Trump's lies from his nomination speech and countering the false claims one by one from total recall is Anderson Cooper at the end, taking a sip of tea as he listens in awe. So good.
— Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) August 28, 2020
What the Times did not get across, however, was how so very dull and low energy Trump's speech was. It was a 70-minute teleprompter speech, and it was torture. The man stood up there and droned in a monotone and mangled the pronunciation of words he read off that teleprompter (a week after criticizing Biden for ... reading off a teleprompter). You expect lies and obfuscations and red-meat rhetoric; what you don't expect is Trump checking out of his own brain, and going on autopilot. It was brutal.
If a guy at the bar was going on like this in this monotone, you would quickly slide to the next stool down
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 28, 2020
— Nathalie Baptiste (@nhbaptiste) August 28, 2020
Trump is trying to make us all die of old age with this unending speech
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 28, 2020
Far more interesting were the optics. There have been 180,000 deaths. There are still 40,000 new infections and 1,000 deaths a day, and Donald Trump assembles a sh*tton of people onto the White House lawn (which is unethical as hell for a campaign event) without any social-distancing or masks, pretending as though there is no pandemic.
Trump on his approach to the virus: "We are focusing on the science, the facts and the data" Trump is saying this to a non-socially distanced crowd where supporters aren't wearing masks.
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) August 28, 2020
There was no testing beforehand. I cannot imagine at least a few infections won't come out of this.
Scream four more years. Scream it super loud. Spit it. #superspreaderconvention #RNC2020
— Steve Elzer (@Steveelzer) August 28, 2020
I think that Wilbur Ross may have gotten infected and then died during the course of the speech.
Wilbur Ross is 82 and isn't wearing a mask. Fortunately for him, he's been dead since 1997
— Chip Franklin (@chipfranklin) August 28, 2020
I lot of people called Barron Trump tall, because he is.
Barron Trump is actually as tall as men say they are on Tinder
— Maximilian Uriarte (@TLCplMax) August 28, 2020
But conservative Twitter, once again, melted down.
The right: All the shit they talked about Chelsea Clinton, Sasha and Malia Obama.
— BroadStBoss (@BroadStBoss) August 28, 2020
The left: Barron Trump is tall.
The right:
But honestly, the moment of the night came with Melania Trump inexplicably delivered a confounding death stare at Ivanka, and the reactions to it all night were spectacular. (Honestly, Brian tweeted out about 10 fantastic ones all by himself):
Melania doesn't seem to like Ivanka
— Scott Dworkin (@funder) August 28, 2020
When a Black woman walks past Gina Rodriguez and gives her the heebie-jeebies.
— hellresidentNY (@hellresidentNY) August 28, 2020
Zack Snyder, when he runs into Joss Whedon at the supermarket:
— hellresidentNY (@hellresidentNY) August 28, 2020
Melania doesn't seem to like Ivanka
— Scott Dworkin (@funder) August 28, 2020
Melania loathing Ivanka is the only time she's ever even tried to make most Americans empathize with her.
— Mrs. Betty Bowers (@BettyBowers) August 28, 2020
Anyway, that was weird, wasn't it, Dan Scavino?
he can see me through the tv, can't he
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) August 28, 2020
In the meantime, I am so relieved that the RNC is finally over, although to be honest, no one really talked about it that much this week, because Trump's Law and Order America is on f**king fire, and all Republicans have done is give speeches warning us that if Joe Biden is elected, the country will look like ... what it looks like right now.
Vote for Joe! (Have you requested those mail-in ballots yet? GET ON IT).