
Big Brother Recap: An Alliance Crumbles as a New HOH Is Crowned!

August 31, 2020

With Janelle Pierzina evicted from Big Brother, the power was up for grabs all over again on Sunday's new episode. 

We kicked off with the competition that could shake up the game, finding the houseguests battling it out to land three balls in slots first. 

While many of the houseguests performed well, they were no match for Enzo and Kaysar. 

They were duking it out seemingly from the get-go, and just when it seemed that Kaysar was going to get some power, and avenge Janelle's eviction, Enzo won. 

That means we've had four weeks of Cody's people in power. Say what you will about Cody, but he's playing a great game here. 

After the competition, the attention was on the rogue votes from Dani and Enzo, with Dani admitting it was a pity vote that could start some drama. 

Enzo didn't really explain his decision, but he seemed ready to watch the fireworks unfold. 

Cody figured Dani was one of the votes because she approached him with a plan ahead of the eviction to give two votes to Janelle. 

The issue for Dani is that she is not very good at lying, and it seemed like everyone had her figured out early on. 

Unfortunately, that left the other vote up in the air, and naturally, David got the blame. He's not been playing a smart or even a remotely strategic game, so him taking the fall was just par for the course. 

David did say on the feeds over the weekend that he wanted to appear on Love Island this summer, but we're not sure he'd know how that works. 

The episode, as a whole, was a dud. It was filler from start to finish, and even threw in another segment on the punishment for Christmas. 

For an All-Stars season, not much is happening, and the fans are starting to realize that. 

When it came to picking the Have-Nots for the week, Enzo picked Tyler, Cody picked Da'Vonne, and Bayleigh picked Dani. 

Dani was livid and made a comment about targeting Bayleigh next, and Bay responded by telling her that if she swings, she better not miss. 

Kaysar attempted to save himself from the block by saying that he could work with Enzo, but it was too late. 

Enzo admitted to viewers that Kaysar did not talk game with him for four weeks, and is only doing so because he needs to. 

The other nomination was more difficult for Enzo because he didn't want to ruffle any feathers and make a decision that could come back to bite him. 

In the end, he put up Kaysar and Kevin. Props to Kevin for looking shocked. 

What do you think of these nominations?

Were they too safe?

Hit the comments. 

Big Brother continues Wednesday at 8/7c on CBS. 

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