
Big Brother Recap: Did Janelle Pierzina Save Herself from Eviction?

August 28, 2020

Janelle Pierzina and Kaysar Ridha were both on the block at the top of Thursday's Big Brother. 

By the end, one of them was sent packing, and a new HOH competition was underway. 

The Committee — comprised of Cody, Memphis, Tyler, Christmas, Dani, and Nicole F.— has been in control of the game from the jump, and they continued to be in control for the latest eviction. 

Janelle started scheming to keep her place in the house, but that also meant campaigning against her ride or die, Kaysar. 

Her pitch? 

She's the biggest target in the game, who cannot win a competition. While this makes sense, it's possible Janelle could start winning competitions. 

She came THIS close to winning last week's HOH competition and continues to have the best social game of any houseguest this season. 

Dani was hesitant to commit to saving Janelle to her face but wasted no time in saying she would not be saving her in the DR. 

These houseguests play nice to each other's faces, but then sing a different tune in the DR. It's pretty exhausting and shows how petty they are. 

Bayleigh wanted to keep Janelle, as well as Da'Vonne, mostly because they did not want another woman to be sent home so soon. 

Even Tyler wanted to keep Janelle in the game because he felt like his status as a target would continue to ramp up. 

Bayleigh explained to Janelle that the only way to swing the votes in her favor would be to go to the head of the snake, aka Cody. 

While Janelle offered up her wedding band, Cody claimed he would consider keeping her, but with the likes of Nicole F. in his ear, there was no way that was happening. 

Meanwhile, David blew up Tyler and Cody's games because, well, he's a rookie in an All-Star season. 

David has had some terrible reads, but telling Da'vonne and Bayleigh he knew all about the plan to evict him was something else. 

Tyler lost it with David and told him he has single-handedly ruined his game, and that he will be nominated next week. 

Cody was similarly mad about the whole scenario, and it made sense. David really does not know how to play the game, and someone who can should have taken his spot. 

As for the votes, here's how they shook out:

Dani votes to evict: Kaysar

Nicole votes to evict: Janelle

Enzo votes to evict: Kaysar

Da’Vonne votes to evict: Janelle

Memphis votes to evict: Janelle

Bayleigh votes to evict: Janelle

Cody votes to evict: Janelle

Christmas votes to evict: Janelle

David votes to evict: Janelle

Kevin votes to evict: Janelle

Ian votes to evict: Janelle

Janelle was evicted by a vote of 9-2. 

The next HOH competition kicked off, but we didn't get the answer to who won. Thankfully, we know who rolled their ball into victory. 

Enzo won the HOH competition. 

This means we should be in for another week of Cody running things. Sigh. 

Big Brother continues Sunday at 8/7c on CBS. 

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