Five Songs: A Spotify Comment Diversion

August 19, 2020

During a slow day in March 2007, I asked readers to play the iPod shuffle game: Hit shuffle on your iPod, and no matter what songs come up, list the first five. It was a hugely popular comment diversion that eventually led to our weekly comment diversions and the five freebies list, which eventually led to the Pajiba 10 (which I think we may launch this year around Labor Day).

In any respect, iPods are mostly a thing of the past these days, although I am sure that many of you still have millions of songs loaded on your phone. But for the sake of 2020, let's instead play the Spotify Game. If you have a Spotify account, go to this web address and click on, "Best of the Decade for You," and post the first five songs listed, no matter how embarrassing or uncool. (Alternatively, you can go here, link to your Spotify account, and list your All Time Most Played Songs).

I'll start, and mine are less individually embarrassing, and more, "You are painfully predictable type."

1. "Wagon Wheel," Old Crow Medicine Show
2. "Chicken Fried," The Zac Brown Band
3. "The Obvious Child," Paul Simon
4. "One Day," Matisyahu
5. "Sing for You," Tracy Chapman

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