
A Day After Kamala Harris Is Selected as VP, Birtherism In All Its Insidiousness Returns

August 12, 2020

Here we go again: Radical lefty didn't stick, mispronouncing her name didn't stick, bring up Willie Brown didn't get them anywhere, and Kamala Harris ducked the kitchen sink Fox News threw at her last night, but hell if those insidious, racists at ... Newsweek? ... haven't brought back birtherism.

I don't know who still subscribes to Newsweek, but now is the time to stop. Kamala Harris was born in Oakland. End of discussion. Do not allow some legal gobbledygook about the status of Harris' parents from some conservative legal professor at a two-bit law school -- ranked #111 in the nation by U.S. News and World Report -- plant any seeds of doubt. Kamala Harris is an American citizen. Period. Exclamation mark. Middle finger.

I am spitting angry, and I cannot believe we're going to go through bullshit this again.

Go home, Newsweek. Go home, Eastman. But thank you for giving us all another reason to rally around Kamala Harris, reminding us once again how low the Republican party is willing to stoop.

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