
90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After: Debbie Sabotages Colt and Jess

August 03, 2020

Watching Season 5, Episode 9 of 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? was a little weird considering what went down with Paul and Karine over the weekend.

It's nice to see his mom again, but seeing Paul is just not the same as fans learn more about him and what Karine has gone through.

Kalani and Asuelu prepared for their trip to see his mom, but they have very different ideas about what an appropriate gift would be.

Angela gives Michael some bad news that makes him reconsider their marriage.

Tania and Syngin head to South Africa, but Tania is afraid that he might not come back with her when he's done.

Elizabeth's family's continued questions about Andrei's shady fight lead to what may be a physical brawl between Andrei and her brother.

Most stunning of all was Debbie's gleeful sabotage of Colt and Jess' relationship.

For once, it was Debbie, not Colt, who sat back and watched chaos unfold by her own design.

1. Colt Johnson and Jess Caroline (and Debbie)

Colt johnson and jess caroline revisit her parents
Colt and Jess are preparing to leave, so they return to Jess' parents' house to say goodbye. Colt and Debbie are given gifts, and Debbie is shocked that they are so nice to her after her, well, bad behavior at their house before. Jess explains that this is simply customary.

2. Colt had a hidden agenda

Colt johnson speaks to jess dad
In the least subtle aside that we have ever seen, he took Jess' dad for a quick sidebar in full view of everyone, using a translator app to ask Jess' dad for permission to propose to Jess.

3. He said yes

Colt johnson receives jess dads blessing
Yes, asking any third party is a deeply weird custom with appalling patriarchal implications, but if it's important to Jess' family, it does make sense to play along. But naturally, this whole thing made Debbie deeply suspicious and worried that she was going to "lose" her son.

4. Jess will miss her folks

Jess caroline i wont see my family for 9 10 more months
She talks about how it could be 9-10 more months before she sees her family again. Colt, stirring the pot, adds that it could be closer to a year.

5. Debbie does the math

Debbie johnson but jess visa expires in 6 months
She notes that Jess' visa expires in six months. Clearly, she has been counting down the days, and is alarmed that Jess is talking about staying in the US for that long.

6. Jess keeps it vague

Jess caroline but i have plans for more time in america
She hopes to stay in the US longer. Whatever she may mean by that, obviously, a K-1 visa and/or a marriage could change that 6-month stay into something that lasts longer -- or indefinitely. Neither of them talk about this to Debbie, but she is shaken to her core by the implication that her grown adult son might marry his girlfriend.
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