
The 25 Most WTF Things People Have Done While at Work

January 31, 2018
hat's the worst thing you've ever done at work? Come in late? Stolen coffee pods for your own home use? Accidentally posted a Sex and the City GIF in a company-wide Slack room having a serious conversation? (Definitely not me.) Well, these people have done much, much worse things. And unlike a completely innocent but embarrassing Sex and the City mix-up, most of them...

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Women Are Sharing the Most Sexist Assumptions People Have Made About Their Jobs

January 31, 2018
f you’re a woman, you’ve probably had some pretty messed up sexist stuff happen to you in your workplace. Whether it was a man referring to you as “honey,” complimenting your handshake (who knew women could shake hands just like men!), or assuming you were a man because of your job title, sexism is pretty common in the working world. Women don’t have...

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Nutritionists Now Say Pizza for Breakfast Is Healthier Than Most Cereals

January 31, 2018
utritionist Chelsea Amer tells The Daily Meal that in many cases, a slice of pizza is healthier than your average bowl of cereal for breakfast. While things like portion size and ingredients matter, pizza's protein and carbs provide more nutrition than cereal's sugary and empty calories. Not only is pizza more nutritional than most cereals, it keeps you fuller for longer. While Amer doesn't necessarily recommend...

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The 15 Weirdest Details About the Lives of Child Instagram Influencers

January 31, 2018
he term "Instagram Influencer" is nothing new. Since the boom of Instagram and its popularity, we've seen influencers pop up more and more. If you're confused as to exactly what an influencer is, don't fret. It's basically those really beautiful people on your feed with thousands and thousands of followers who get paid to literally just post pictures and travel. Yes, it's a...

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Gay Man Who Married a Straight Woman to Uphold Mormon Values Announces Divorce

January 31, 2018
osh Weed made headlines in 2012 when he publicly announced his homosexuality on the 10th anniversary of his marriage to straight wife, Lolly, who apparently knew Josh's true sexual orientation before they were married. After 15 years of marriage, 6 of which Josh and Lolly lived publicly as a mixed-orientation Morman couple, the couple is once again making headlines with an announcement; only...

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So Much Crazy Stuff Has Already Happened in 2018, and It’s Only January 31

January 31, 2018
t's been a long year already, and it's not even February, folks! That's right. We're merely one-twelfth of the way through 2018. We've got 11 more of these to go, and I honestly don't know if we're going to make it. The ups and downs and mostly downs of January have been almost too much for us to handle, you know, as a...

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People Reveal the Creepiest Things Kids Have Ever Said to Them, and They’re Hilariously Weird

January 31, 2018
ids can be cute, but we don't talk enough about how damn creepy they can be. Kids have no filter, so they often say exactly what's on their mind, and sometimes that stuff is scary enough to spook you into next Tuesday! It's also been said that some kids know things... things they shouldn't know. Maybe because they haven't been jaded by the world...

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Wendy's Just Roasted McDonald's Over Their Ice Cream Machine And We're On Their Side

January 31, 2018
Ever wandered into a McDonald's on a warm summers day for some refreshing ice cream only to be told that the ice cream machine isn't working? You're not the only one. In fact, there's an entire meme that centres around McDonald's ice cream machines not working... These are all classics, by the way.  Too good.  And now, the fast food joint behind everyone's...

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38 Memes Everyone Who Has Already Failed Their New Year's Diet Will Relate To

January 31, 2018
Talking about doing something is so much easier, than, you know, actually doing it. I guess that's why everyone and their mother has a New Year's Resolution...until the second week of January or so. Because the idea of going on a diet and getting fit and feeling full of energy sounds great...until it comes to actually commit to it. Especially when you're literally...

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Apparently You Can’t Take a Peacock on a Plane, Even If It’s for ‘Emotional Support’

January 31, 2018
kay, this emotional support animal thing is getting way out of hand. First of all, let me say there are tons of legitimate emotional support animals. They are often important parts of medical treatment, and can help with everything from depression, anxiety, and phobias to relieving loneliness. Emotional support animals are important – crucial to many people's lives.   But some people have...

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The Most Egregious Lies From Donald Trump’s State of the Union Address

January 31, 2018
onald Trump did his State of the Union address this Tuesday. It was, by all accounts, a very long and drawn-out affair filled with pomp, circumstance, and a whole lot of other unnecessary details. Democrats wore black in honor of the #MeToo Movement and scowled a lot. Republicans wore whatever the heck they wanted and smiled a lot. In fact, Mitch McConnell smiled...

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People Are Sharing the Hilarious Stories Behind the Origin of Their Names

January 31, 2018
hat's in a name, you ask? Apparently, quite a bit! People on Twitter have started sharing the stories behind the names their parents gave them, and they provide such a fascinating look into the minds of new parents. Some of these are pretty hilarious, but it's lovely to see all the many different ways parents choose the name that will follow their child...

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‘I Want To Play A Game’: Here Are 10 Most F*cked Up ‘Saw’ Traps

January 31, 2018
‘Hello… I want to play a game?‘ It may be hard to get your head around, but Saw is nearly 14 years old… The gory blockbuster was a game-changer for Horror films, as it was really the first time such a graphic, blood-fuelled murder-fest had gained such commercial success. In fact, Jigaw’s very first film has reportedly earned a $103 million from just...


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The Everyday Item Of Clothing That The Queen Will Not Let Kate and Meghan Wear

January 31, 2018
For many people, the thought of becoming a member of the Royal Family is a dream come true. In fact, when Prince William attended St Andrew’s University in Scotland, applications from self-confessed would-be princesses flooded in from around the world. However, the Royals have to follow more rules than most us could imagine, and there’s one item of clothing that neither Meghan or...

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Teen Who Bragged About Reporting Classmate To ICE Gets Roasted Online

January 31, 2018
A teen named Cory Carnley was enjoying his last year as senior at Gainesville High School, doing the things that white, suburban youths have been enjoying recently. Like having a really racist Reddit account. Babe.net reported on Carnley, stating his Reddit page is full of posts where he uses "the n-word, fantasized about torturing immigrants, and bemoaned how white women sleep with people...

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Woman Fell In Love With Homeless Man In Amsterdam.

January 31, 2018
Love can be found literally anywhere. You can find your soulmate sitting across from you on a bus. Your true love could be standing behind you in the grocery store. Some even find the person they'll spend the rest of their lives with on the Internet. Regardless of where you find it, love is an incredibly beautiful, mysterious thing. And no one knows...

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Dakota Johnson Gets Real About That Angelina Jolie–Jennifer Aniston Moment At The Golden Globes

January 31, 2018
“I was trying to be sly about it.” The 75th Golden Globes was one award show viewers will have a hard time forgetting. NBC From Seth Meyers' hilarious jokes to Oprah's inspirational speech, the night was lit! Presley Ann / Getty Images But one of the most talked-about moments would probably have to go to Dakota Johnson allegedly watching Angelina Jolie ignore Jennifer...

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Bernie Sanders Grumpy Clapping For Trump's State Of The Union Is Too Relatable

January 31, 2018
Trump's State of the Union speech has been receiving a lot of criticism. I've long since tuned out to what he's been saying as he doesn't back up the vast majority of his claims, but since he's the president and all, people listen to what he has to say. Some have pointed out that Trump basically suggested that Congress gives up all legal...

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The New Celebrity Big Brother Contestants Have Been Announced and We Could Not Be More Excited

January 31, 2018
fter its resounding success in the UK, Celebrity Big Brother is debuting for the first time ever on our CBS shores February 7th. And the lineup looks just as awesomely craptastic as we’d hoped! America, you’re welcome. Let’s check out the roster of D-list contestants who will be battling it out on network television for three weeks in a stinky house with creepy...

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Sarah Huckabee Sanders Told Nancy Pelosi to ‘Smile More’ and Now the Internet Is on Fire

January 31, 2018
onald Trump's State of the Union address last night was perhaps the most polarizing presidential speech before it even happened. While Democrats were urged not to boycott or disrupt the event, they definitely made sure to express the begrudging nature of their attendance. Many women in the audience wore black in solidarity with the #MeToo movement. One of those women, Democratic House Minority Leader...

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Gigi And Bella Hadid Are Facing Criticism Over “Incestuous” Photoshoot

January 31, 2018
Gigi and Bella Hadid are possibly the most famous sisters (aside from the Kardashians) in the world right now. The striking supermodel siblings also happen to be daughters of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Yolanda Hadid and real estate developer Mohamed Hadid. Twenty-two-year-old Gigi was the first of the Hadid sisters to make it big in the fashion industry, and considering her 21-year-old sister...

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Angelina Jolie Finally Reveals Why Her Marriage With Brad Pitt Really Ended

January 31, 2018
From 2005 to 2016, the pair we affectionately dubbed “Brangelina” were the most-talked-about couple in Hollywood. From their flawless looks to their Oscar-winning talent, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were thought to be the epitome of #RelationshipGoals. But then the utterly unexpected happened just two years after the pair finally got hitched in 2014. Jolie filed for divorce and left us all wondering...

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Meet The Identical Twins Who Spent $20,000 On Surgery To Resemble Brad Pitt

January 31, 2018
There are few men who are as synonymous with the phrase ‘Hollywood heartthrob’ as Brad Pitt. The 53-year-old actor has been admired by people around the world for his dashing good looks since he rose to fame in the early 90s. It’s often said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and plastic surgery has made it easy for people to radically...

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