Ashley Snowden: I’m Back Together with My Husband! It’s God’s Will!

October 21, 2022

Dimitri Snowden may still be seeking a sister wife.

But he’s now reunited with his former wife.

In a lengthy social media post on Thursday, Ashley Snowden confirmed that her and her seemingly awful, violent and chauvinistic have gotten back together.

The spiritual spouses appeared on the first three seasons of Seeking Sister Wife and split in July 2021.

Ashley Snowden and Dimitri appear to be awful, abusive people. They’re meant to be together, we guess.

“So I’m actually not single anymore,” Ashley said in a latest statement.

“I have briefly mentioned in the past about reconciliation with Dimitri and that has also been something that has been a blessing and it’s specifically tied to my faith walk with Christ.

“And just like, understand this concept of like, this … responsibility of forgiveness, OK?”

Ashley and Dimitri both came under MAJOR fire last year.

Dimitri Snowden and Ashley
Dimitri Snowden and Ashley Snowden appear to be happy in this photo. But they clearly have issues.

Multiple former partners have accused Ashley of emotional abuse and Dimitri of physical abuse.

On Season 3 of Seeking Sister Wives, the Snowdens tried their shady romantic luck with Tayler Middleton and Christeline “Chrissy” Petersen, with Dimitri even exchanging legal vows with the latter.

Just months after this union, Peterson filed for a restraining order, alleging that Dimitri assaulted her on multiple occasions.

Dimitri Snowden on TV
Dimitri Snowden seems like a terrible person. This is a photo of him on the show Seeking Sister Wife.

According to the legal documents, Petersen stated in January of last year that Dimitri woke her up one time by “slamming my head into the headboard of the bed and he was yelling at me.”

Petersen also claimed that Dimitri would choke her during sex and that Ashley shoved her on at least one occasion.

“She also threw a bottle at me. She was verbally abusive and called me names,” Petersen added of Ashley.

Middleton, meanwhile, has said that TLC should cancel Seeking Sister Wife due to Dimitri’s heinous and apparently illegal actions.

Seeking Sister Wife Photo
Dimitri Snowden poses here for a TLC promotional photo on behalf of the awful reality show, Seeking Sister Wife.

“We want God to forgive us for the things that we do and the heard heart that we’ve had, and yet we are so unwilling to forgive each other,” continued Ashley in her post.

“People really struggle with forgiveness and I get it because it’s just some dark matter, right?

“It’s some dark matter that we’re dealing with in this world and I know that I’ve done some things in my life that I would want people to forgive me and who am I not to forgive someone else?”

Ashley did NOT cite any of the aforementioned allegations against herself or Dimitri specifically.

Dimitri Snowden Poster
Dimitri Snowden was the star of Seeking Sister Wife. Here’s a poster for Season 3.

In June 2021, Vanessa Cobbs — another woman who had spent time with the Snowdens — trashed Dimitri as a liar who needs professional help.

But Ashley sees another side to him.

“When I think about just the mercy and the grace that God has had on my life and when I think about my family and my children and when I think about just this world that we’re living in and the transformation and the transitions and all those things that I’ve gone through and I want the same for him,” Ashley went on.

“I want to give us that chance and it wasn’t an easy choice.

“It wasn’t like, ‘Oh yes, let’s go, let’s get back into the saddle.’

“No. It’s taken us time, therapy, interaction, it’s taken tears, it’s taken acknowledgement, it’s taken apologizing and going back over some of the stuff that you just don’t want to go over.”

Ashley Snowden on Instagram
Ashley Snowden shared this black-and-white selfie in the month of June of the year 2021 on her Instagram page.

Continued Ashley:

“It’s taken so much and that healing had to happen at the same time where our names [were] being dragged through the mud separately and together.

“I just feel like at this point in my life, I can’t carry anger and resentment and hurt and pain any longer.

“There’s no room for that. ”

Dimitri Snowden Snapshot
Dimitri Snowden appears to be an evil person. But he gets kissed here by two women at once.

Ashley even went on to defend her husband, with whom she shares three kids, from the backlash he’s received online from fans of Seeking Sister Wife.

“He’s a good human being, no matter what you may have heard or read or what you think you see or saw,” she said.

“I know who I chose and why I chose him and this part of my journey has taught me to tap back into that. But first, I had to go away. I had to literally die. I had to die th/at death and just like, bury that part of me that became the seed.

“That part of me that was a seed, I had to just bury that. God watered it and here we are.”

Ashley Snowden Facebook Photo

A lot of very weird and troubling stuff has been written about Dimitri over the last couple years.

But Ashley concluded her update as follows:

I am on a healing reconciliation journey with Dimitri.

And he’s also on his own personal healing journey, I’m on my own personal healing journey, we’re on a personal healing journey together.

Our children are on healing journeys with us. We’re working to really like, be able to be true and authentic to who we are.

Filter out that noise, people think that they’re entitled to our lives. It’s like, y’all, we are healing.

Ashley Snowden: I’m Back Together with My Husband! It’s God’s Will! was originally published on The Hollywood Gossip .

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