It’s Very Telling What Parts of Tucker Carlson’s Kanye Interview Were Not Aired

October 19, 2022

Tucker Carlson in from of Ye in October 2022 interivew. Image: screencap from Foxnews & Alyssa Shotwell.

After years of alarming behavior, Ye—Kanye West before legally changing his name a year ago— arrived at his Paris fashion show with right-wing commentator Candace Owens, both of them sporting matching “White Lives Matter” shirts. This is a man who has also worn a confederate flag (not the surrender flag, the stars and bars) and frequently donned a MAGA hat, so this wasn’t that surprising. The very public backlash to the “White Lives Matter” shirts let Fox News talking head Tucker Carlson see an opportunity in Ye, so he invited him onto his show the first week in October.

Part of this interview went viral but was largely overshadowed by Ye’s antisemitic messages over that weekend and his social media accounts becoming locked. If the interview with Carlson alone wasn’t bad enough, the overt antisemitic remarks Carlson and his team edited from the interview, obtained by VICE‘s Motherboard, are very telling. They paint a clearer picture of the purpose of the interview if it wasn’t already obvious.

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