‘V/H/S/99’ Review: Found-Footage Horror at Its Finest

October 17, 2022

nate and mabel in V/H/S 99 segment

Anyone who says that found footage is dead is wrong. This subgenre still has breath and remains one of the scariest of the horror subgenres. Why? Because found footage often feels more realistic than anything else. We’re plunged into a first-person POV throughout scenes and are watching madness unfold that isn’t perfectly edited. Perfect example: the V/H/S franchise and its most recent entry, V/H/S/99.

This franchise has certainly reached cult status, and after the success of V/H/S/94, we’ve been given another entry in V/H/S/99 (2022). Let me tell you, the trailer does capture the essence of this entry. It’s bananas and has a lot of bloody/gore moments, though if you’re looking for an overall connection between its anthology segments, you won’t find that here.

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