The Old Comfort Character vs Current Comfort Character Meme Came for My Jugular

October 14, 2022

matt smith as the doctor in BBC's Doctor Who

When we talk about old comfort characters and new comfort characters, you can usually see why someone likes both of them. There’s often a clear connection in them—a through-line of character, if you will. There’s been a meme on TikTok for a while where the two meet each other and talk to one another, normally at the expense of the person posting it. The old comfort character asks “How is she/he/they” and the current comfort character usually has some smart response about how the person in question is worse than before. Sometimes, it’s the same character or two characters played by the same actor so they laugh, but you get the idea.

I have so many characters I have loved throughout the years that I never could really do the meme; my comfort characters are legion. But a character that has meant a lot to me from the moment he appeared on the hit show Doctor Who is the Eleventh Doctor. So color me read to filth when TikTok user kayylord shared a video of Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor asking the famed “how is she” with Daemon Targaryen from House of the Dragon responding “Worse. So much worse.”

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